(科目名) |
Linear Algebra with Exercises A 1T25
(英 訳) | Linear Algebra with Exercises A | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||
(分野(分類)) | 数学(基礎) | ||||||
(使用言語) | 英語 | ||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 3 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 2 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3・火2 |
(教室) | 4共40 | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | Calculus and linear algebra form the essential mathematical background necessary for understanding and developing modern science and technology. In this lecture, basics of Linear Algebra required for further pursuing of studies majored in science are explained. In the Linear Algebra A class, students will learn to manipulate concretely vectors, matrices, and systems of linear equations. |
(到達目標) | The goal of this class is to learn to manipulate concretely vectors, matrices, and systems of linear equations. In addition to learning linear algebra, students can learn how to discuss and present mathematical topics in English through this course. |
(授業計画と内容) | This subject is composed of two interrelated parts: Lecture and Exercises. The exercises sessions will take place basically once in two weeks, their purpose being to deepen the students' understanding of the contents of the lecture sessions through active participation in problem solving and through regular submission of reports. In the course outline below, the order in which the given items will be presented is not fixed and depends on the background and understanding of enrollees. 1. Fundamental concepts (1 week) -numbers, sets, mappings, basic notions of mathematical logic 2. Vectors in the plane and 2x2 matrices (2 weeks) -matrix and vector calculus, matrix inverses, Cayley Hamilton theorem -linear transformations of the plane (rotation, reflections, etc) and matrices -linear systems of equations and matrices 3. Concrete vector spaces and matrices (5-7 weeks) -vectors, vector calculus, linear span -matrices, matrix calculus (addition, scalar product, product) -examples of matrices (2-3 weeks) -elementary operations on matrices, rank, invertible matrices, inverse matrix -solving linear equations, structure of solutions (3-4 weeks) 4. Determinant (4-6 weeks) -row/column substitution and signature; definition of determinant and properties (3-4 weeks) -computation of determinant, Cramer's rule, volume and determinant (1-2 weeks) Total:14 classes, 1 Feedback session |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | Students will be evaluated based on their performance in both the lecture and the exercises sessions. * Lecture will be graded based mainly on the final examination. * Exercises will be evaluated based mainly on submitted reports and participation in class. The details of the evaluation system will be given by the lecturer at the first lecture. |
(教科書) |
(参考書等) |
『Linear Algebra and Its Applications』
This text is Free, under either the GNU Free Documentation License or the Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | To be announced. |
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | It is advisable to attend the lecture “Calculus with Exercises A” in parallel. Moreover, it is recommended to register for "Linear Algebra with Exercises B" in the second semester. Students are welcome to ask questions during, at the beginning or at the end of the class. The instructor encourages students to arrange an appointment with him if they have questions. |
Linear Algebra with Exercises A
1T25 (科目名)
Linear Algebra with Exercises A
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 数学(基礎) (使用言語) 英語 | |||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 3 単位 (週コマ数) 2 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3・火2 (教室) 4共40 |
Calculus and linear algebra form the essential mathematical background necessary for understanding and developing modern science and technology. In this lecture, basics of Linear Algebra required for further pursuing of studies majored in science are explained.
In the Linear Algebra A class, students will learn to manipulate concretely vectors, matrices, and systems of linear equations. |
The goal of this class is to learn to manipulate concretely vectors, matrices, and systems of linear equations.
In addition to learning linear algebra, students can learn how to discuss and present mathematical topics in English through this course. |
This subject is composed of two interrelated parts: Lecture and Exercises. The exercises sessions will take place basically once in two weeks, their purpose being to deepen the students' understanding of the contents of the lecture sessions through active participation in problem solving and through regular submission of reports. In the course outline below, the order in which the given items will be presented is not fixed and depends on the background and understanding of enrollees. 1. Fundamental concepts (1 week) -numbers, sets, mappings, basic notions of mathematical logic 2. Vectors in the plane and 2x2 matrices (2 weeks) -matrix and vector calculus, matrix inverses, Cayley Hamilton theorem -linear transformations of the plane (rotation, reflections, etc) and matrices -linear systems of equations and matrices 3. Concrete vector spaces and matrices (5-7 weeks) -vectors, vector calculus, linear span -matrices, matrix calculus (addition, scalar product, product) -examples of matrices (2-3 weeks) -elementary operations on matrices, rank, invertible matrices, inverse matrix -solving linear equations, structure of solutions (3-4 weeks) 4. Determinant (4-6 weeks) -row/column substitution and signature; definition of determinant and properties (3-4 weeks) -computation of determinant, Cramer's rule, volume and determinant (1-2 weeks) Total:14 classes, 1 Feedback session |
Students will be evaluated based on their performance in both the lecture and the exercises sessions.
* Lecture will be graded based mainly on the final examination. * Exercises will be evaluated based mainly on submitted reports and participation in class. The details of the evaluation system will be given by the lecturer at the first lecture. |
『Linear Algebra and Its Applications』
This text is Free, under either the GNU Free Documentation License or the Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
To be announced.
It is advisable to attend the lecture “Calculus with Exercises A” in parallel.
Moreover, it is recommended to register for "Linear Algebra with Exercises B" in the second semester. Students are welcome to ask questions during, at the beginning or at the end of the class. The instructor encourages students to arrange an appointment with him if they have questions. |
(科目名) |
物理学実験 1H1, 1H2, 1H3, 1T10
(英 訳) | Elementary Course of Experimental Physics | ||||||||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||||||||
(分野(分類)) | 物理学(基礎) | ||||||||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||||||||
(週コマ数) | 2 コマ | ||||||||||||
(授業形態) | 実験 | ||||||||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1回生 | ||||||||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||||||||
(曜時限) | 月3・月4 |
(教室) | 物理学実験室(2共) | ||||||||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | 物理学の基礎的テーマについて自ら実験を行い、実験を通して自然と物理学のより深い理解を目指すとともに、実験技術とデータの解析方法を体得する。さらに科学的報告書(レポート、論文)の作成方法を修得する。 | ||||||||||||
(到達目標) | 実験を通して物理学をより具体的に理解する。 実験技術とデータの解析方法を学び、自ら実験を進められるようになる。 実験ノートが記述でき、実験レポートが作成できるようになる。 |
(授業計画と内容) | 以下の課題の中から7〜10課題について実験を行う。1回2コマの時間で1課題の実験を行い、ガイダンス、レポート指導、予備実験日、フィードバックなどを含めて全15回の予定である。一部の曜日では実験結果についてのプレゼンテーションを実験の翌週に行う。 <力学分野> 1.フーコー振り子の実験 2.連成振動の実験 <電磁気学分野> 3.電気抵抗の測定 4.ホール素子による磁場の測定 5.オシロスコープによるインピーダンスの測定 6.熱電子放出に関する実験 <熱力学分野> 7.熱電対による温度の測定 <光学分野> 8.レーザー光を用いた実験 9.回折格子による光の波長の測定 <原子・量子力学分野> 10.プリズム分光器による原子スペクトルの測定 11.フランク・ヘルツの実験 12.光電効果によるプランク定数の測定 13. 身の回りの放射線−どこからどれくらいくるのか− |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 実験の実施と実験報告書に基づき評価する。詳しくは初回ガイダンス時に説明する。 | ||||||||||||
(教科書) |
京都大学大学院 人間・環境学研究科 物質相関論講座
京都大学国際高等教育院 共編
『物理学実験 2023』 (学術図書)ISBN:978-4-7806-1113-7
(参考書等) |
(関連URL) |
http://tyoshida.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp/physlab/CoupledOscillation.mp4 物理学実験「連成振動」の説明動画 http://tyoshida.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp/physlab/franck_hertz_experiment.mp4 物理学実験「フランク・ヘルツの実験」の説明動画 http://tyoshida.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp/physlab/Plank_Constant.mp4 物理学実験「プランク定数の測定」の説明動画 |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | 毎回の実験テーマについて、教科書を読んで予習しておくこと。 | ||||||||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | 初回ガイダンス(講義形式)での出席表に基づいて班編成を行うので、掲示(4月上旬)に注意して必ず出席すること。ガイダンスでは、実験の進め方、全体のスケジュール、レポートの作成および提出に関する注意点などの説明も行う。 「学生教育研究災害傷害保険」等の傷害保険へ加入すること。 |
1H1, 1H2, 1H3, 1T10 (科目名)
Elementary Course of Experimental Physics
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 物理学(基礎) (使用言語) 日本語 | ||||||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 2 コマ (授業形態) 実験 | ||||||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3・月4 (教室) 物理学実験室(2共) |
実験技術とデータの解析方法を学び、自ら実験を進められるようになる。 実験ノートが記述でき、実験レポートが作成できるようになる。 |
以下の課題の中から7〜10課題について実験を行う。1回2コマの時間で1課題の実験を行い、ガイダンス、レポート指導、予備実験日、フィードバックなどを含めて全15回の予定である。一部の曜日では実験結果についてのプレゼンテーションを実験の翌週に行う。 <力学分野> 1.フーコー振り子の実験 2.連成振動の実験 <電磁気学分野> 3.電気抵抗の測定 4.ホール素子による磁場の測定 5.オシロスコープによるインピーダンスの測定 6.熱電子放出に関する実験 <熱力学分野> 7.熱電対による温度の測定 <光学分野> 8.レーザー光を用いた実験 9.回折格子による光の波長の測定 <原子・量子力学分野> 10.プリズム分光器による原子スペクトルの測定 11.フランク・ヘルツの実験 12.光電効果によるプランク定数の測定 13. 身の回りの放射線−どこからどれくらいくるのか− |
京都大学大学院 人間・環境学研究科 物質相関論講座
京都大学国際高等教育院 共編
『物理学実験 2023』 (学術図書)ISBN:978-4-7806-1113-7
「学生教育研究災害傷害保険」等の傷害保険へ加入すること。 |
(科目名) |
(英 訳) | Thermodynamics | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||
(分野(分類)) | 物理学(基礎) | ||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 共東11 | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | 熱現象に関わる物理学である 熱力学 について講義する。巨視的物理法則とは何か,不可逆性とは何かなどを理解するとともに,実際に工学的に用いられている熱サイクルについての知識を深めることを目的とする。 | ||||||
(到達目標) | 経験則から導かれた熱現象に関する基本法則や巨視的物理量の間に普遍的に成り立つ関係式を理解する。 | ||||||
(授業計画と内容) | 温度・熱・仕事など熱現象に関わる基本的な諸概念の導入,それらの間の相互の関係の定式化に始まり,巨視的な系を支配する熱力学法則体系の理解と,その応用に及ぶ。授業では主に以下の内容について、フィードバックを含め全15回とする. 括弧内は各項目の講義実施回数 1.熱・仕事と熱力学第1法則(2) 2.熱力学第2法則とカルノーサイクル・エントロピー(3) 3.熱力学的状態変化(1) 4.偏微分と全微分,熱力学的一般関係式(3) 5.熱力学的サイクル(3) 6.相変化(2) |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 平常点(レポートなど)と定期試験の結果に基づき評価する。詳しくは初回講義時に説明する。 | ||||||
(教科書) |
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | 講義をもとに自学することをすすめる。 | ||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | |||||||
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 物理学(基礎) (使用言語) 日本語 | |||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3 (教室) 共東11 |
熱現象に関わる物理学である 熱力学 について講義する。巨視的物理法則とは何か,不可逆性とは何かなどを理解するとともに,実際に工学的に用いられている熱サイクルについての知識を深めることを目的とする。
温度・熱・仕事など熱現象に関わる基本的な諸概念の導入,それらの間の相互の関係の定式化に始まり,巨視的な系を支配する熱力学法則体系の理解と,その応用に及ぶ。授業では主に以下の内容について、フィードバックを含め全15回とする. 括弧内は各項目の講義実施回数 1.熱・仕事と熱力学第1法則(2) 2.熱力学第2法則とカルノーサイクル・エントロピー(3) 3.熱力学的状態変化(1) 4.偏微分と全微分,熱力学的一般関係式(3) 5.熱力学的サイクル(3) 6.相変化(2) |
(科目名) |
(英 訳) | Physics of Wave and Oscillation | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||
(分野(分類)) | 物理学(基礎) | ||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 主として2回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 4共30 | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | 力学的運動のみならず、電磁気的現象など自然界のさまざまな分野に共通して登場する振動・波動の基礎について講義する。 | ||||||
(到達目標) | 自然界に現れる振動・波動現象の基礎的理解を通して、様々な物理現象について考察する能力を養う。 | ||||||
(授業計画と内容) | 単振動より始めて、減衰振動および強制振動を扱い、自由度が2の場合の連成振動を考察する。次に、一般の自由度の基準振動モードと基準座標について学ぶ。さらに、連続体の振動とそれを記述する波動方程式を述べ、その解の性質や固有振動を取り扱う数学的方法としてのフーリエ級数展開を論じる。これらをもとに波の重ね合わせや干渉・回折等の波の性質について考察する。授業内容・項目は以下の通り。授業回数はフィードバックを含め全15回とし、各項目について2~3回の講義を行う. 1. 単振動 単振動の方程式と解,調和振動子のエネルギー 2. 減衰振動と強制振動 減衰振動,強制振動, 共鳴 3. 連成振動 連成振動(自由度2),モードと基準座標, 連成振動(自由度N)のモード,分散関係 4. 連続体の振動 弦の振動,弾性体の振動,波動方程式,フーリエ級数,固有振動 5. 波動 ダランベールの解,位相速度と群速度, 反射と透過, 平面波・球面波 6. 電磁波 マクスウェル方程式と電磁波, 反射と屈折, 干渉と回折 |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 定期試験期間中の筆記試験(100点)によって評価する. | ||||||
(教科書) |
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | 教科書、参考書については担当教員から指示があるので、各単元ごとに予習・復習をすること。 | ||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | 力学および電磁気学の基礎的知識を前提とする。 | ||||||
Physics of Wave and Oscillation
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 物理学(基礎) (使用言語) 日本語 | |||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として2回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3 (教室) 4共30 |
単振動より始めて、減衰振動および強制振動を扱い、自由度が2の場合の連成振動を考察する。次に、一般の自由度の基準振動モードと基準座標について学ぶ。さらに、連続体の振動とそれを記述する波動方程式を述べ、その解の性質や固有振動を取り扱う数学的方法としてのフーリエ級数展開を論じる。これらをもとに波の重ね合わせや干渉・回折等の波の性質について考察する。授業内容・項目は以下の通り。授業回数はフィードバックを含め全15回とし、各項目について2~3回の講義を行う. 1. 単振動 単振動の方程式と解,調和振動子のエネルギー 2. 減衰振動と強制振動 減衰振動,強制振動, 共鳴 3. 連成振動 連成振動(自由度2),モードと基準座標, 連成振動(自由度N)のモード,分散関係 4. 連続体の振動 弦の振動,弾性体の振動,波動方程式,フーリエ級数,固有振動 5. 波動 ダランベールの解,位相速度と群速度, 反射と透過, 平面波・球面波 6. 電磁波 マクスウェル方程式と電磁波, 反射と屈折, 干渉と回折 |
(科目名) |
Elementary Course of Physics A-E2
(英 訳) | Elementary Course of Physics A-E2 | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||
(分野(分類)) | 物理学(基礎) | ||||||
(使用言語) | 英語 | ||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 全回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 共北33 | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | This course gives an introduction to classical mechanics in English. Using simplified models, we will describe the motion of particles and learn the physical meaning of force, energy, work, and potential. In particular, we will study Newton's laws and apply them to several simple systems. After this, I will introduce the concepts of work, energy, and potential and explain how to solve problems in classical mechanics using these concepts. In principle, this course is given in English. However, if there are parts that the students cannot understand in English, I can and will explain those in Japanese. このコースでは古典力学を英語で学ぶ。簡単なモデルを用いて粒子の運動を記述し、力、エネルギー、仕事、ポテンシャルの物理的意味を学ぶ。特にニュートンの法則を学び、いくつかの簡単な系に応用する。その後、仕事、エネルギー、ポテンシャルの概念を紹介し、これらの概念を用いた古典力学の問題の解き方を説明する。 原則として授業は英語で行う。ただし、英語で理解できない部分があれば、日本語で説明することも可能。 |
(到達目標) | - Learning the fundamentals of classical mechanics (Newton's laws, work, energy) - Being able to solve problems in classical mechanics - 古典力学の基礎(ニュートンの法則、仕事、エネルギー) - 古典力学の問題を解く |
(授業計画と内容) | In principle, the course will be offered as the following plan. However, there may be changes depending on the progress of the course. The course will be adapted to the level of the students! 1-2. Introduction to necessary mathematics: curves and coordinate systems 3. Definition of position, velocity, and acceleration 4-5. Introduction to Newton's laws and simple applications 6. Friction 7. Curved motion 8.-9. Oscillations 10. Work 11-12. Energy and potential 13-14. Central forces and the Kepler problem < 15. Feedback 授業は、原則として以下のプランで行う。ただし受講者のレベルに合わせて授業を進めるので、状況により変更する場合がある。 1-2. 必要な数学入門:曲線と座標系 3. 位置、速度、加速度の定義 4-5. ニュートンの法則の紹介と簡単な応用 6. 摩擦 7. 曲線運動 8.-9. 振動 10. しごと 11-12. エネルギーとポテンシャル 13-14. 中心力とケプラー問題 最終試験 15. フィードバック |
(履修要件) |
This course is for those students who did not select physics as the entrance examination subject.
履修者は本学入学試験科目で物理学を選択しなかった者に限られる。 |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | Worksheets/reports (40%) + examination (40%) + attendance and participation (20%) ワークシート/レポート(40%) + 試験(40%) + 出席と参加の状況(20%) |
(教科書) |
I will provide lecture notes.
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | Revision of the course by doing the worksheets | ||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | Office hours: After the course Furthermore, I will provide lecture notes to help students understand the lecture. Although no specific knowledge about physics is needed to take this course, basic skills in differential and integral calculus are expected. The worksheets will give students an opportunity to practice their English skills in science. 講義ノートを提供する。 オフィスアワーは 講義終了後 なお、講義の理解に役立つ講義ノートを配布する。 物理学に関する特別な知識は必要ないが、微分積分に関する基本的なスキルが求められる。 |
Elementary Course of Physics A-E2
Elementary Course of Physics A-E2
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 物理学(基礎) (使用言語) 英語 | |||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 全回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3 (教室) 共北33 |
This course gives an introduction to classical mechanics in English. Using simplified models, we will describe the motion of particles and learn the physical meaning of force, energy, work, and potential. In particular, we will study Newton's laws and apply them to several simple systems. After this, I will introduce the concepts of work, energy, and potential and explain how to solve problems in classical mechanics using these concepts.
In principle, this course is given in English. However, if there are parts that the students cannot understand in English, I can and will explain those in Japanese. このコースでは古典力学を英語で学ぶ。簡単なモデルを用いて粒子の運動を記述し、力、エネルギー、仕事、ポテンシャルの物理的意味を学ぶ。特にニュートンの法則を学び、いくつかの簡単な系に応用する。その後、仕事、エネルギー、ポテンシャルの概念を紹介し、これらの概念を用いた古典力学の問題の解き方を説明する。 原則として授業は英語で行う。ただし、英語で理解できない部分があれば、日本語で説明することも可能。 |
- Learning the fundamentals of classical mechanics (Newton's laws, work, energy)
- Being able to solve problems in classical mechanics - 古典力学の基礎(ニュートンの法則、仕事、エネルギー) - 古典力学の問題を解く |
In principle, the course will be offered as the following plan. However, there may be changes depending on the progress of the course. The course will be adapted to the level of the students! 1-2. Introduction to necessary mathematics: curves and coordinate systems 3. Definition of position, velocity, and acceleration 4-5. Introduction to Newton's laws and simple applications 6. Friction 7. Curved motion 8.-9. Oscillations 10. Work 11-12. Energy and potential 13-14. Central forces and the Kepler problem < 15. Feedback 授業は、原則として以下のプランで行う。ただし受講者のレベルに合わせて授業を進めるので、状況により変更する場合がある。 1-2. 必要な数学入門:曲線と座標系 3. 位置、速度、加速度の定義 4-5. ニュートンの法則の紹介と簡単な応用 6. 摩擦 7. 曲線運動 8.-9. 振動 10. しごと 11-12. エネルギーとポテンシャル 13-14. 中心力とケプラー問題 最終試験 15. フィードバック |
This course is for those students who did not select physics as the entrance examination subject.
履修者は本学入学試験科目で物理学を選択しなかった者に限られる。 |
Worksheets/reports (40%) + examination (40%) + attendance and participation (20%)
ワークシート/レポート(40%) + 試験(40%) + 出席と参加の状況(20%) |
I will provide lecture notes.
Revision of the course by doing the worksheets
Office hours: After the course
Furthermore, I will provide lecture notes to help students understand the lecture. Although no specific knowledge about physics is needed to take this course, basic skills in differential and integral calculus are expected. The worksheets will give students an opportunity to practice their English skills in science. 講義ノートを提供する。 オフィスアワーは 講義終了後 なお、講義の理解に役立つ講義ノートを配布する。 物理学に関する特別な知識は必要ないが、微分積分に関する基本的なスキルが求められる。 |
(科目名) |
Introduction to Light Control-E2
(英 訳) | Introduction to Light Control-E2 | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||
(分野(分類)) | 物理学(基礎) | ||||||
(使用言語) | 英語 | ||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 主として2回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 1共03 | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | This course aims to introduce light control techniques and enhance the understanding of cutting-edge photonic technologies. We will start by explaining the fundamentals of light control, followed by a discussion on nanostructure-based cutting-edge photonic technologies. | ||||||
(到達目標) | ・Understand the fundamentals of light control ・Understand nanostructure-based cutting-edge photonic technologies |
(授業計画と内容) | 1. Overview of the course (1 week) 2. Maxwell's equations and basic properties of light (4 weeks) 3. Simulation methods used in light control techniques (3 weeks) 4. Introduction to photonic nanostructures for light control (3 weeks) 5. Nanostructure-based cutting-edge photonic technologies (3 weeks) 6. Feedback (1 week) |
(履修要件) |
Having knowledge of electromagnetism is recommended.
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | Evaluation will be based on participation (20%), homework (30%), and final examination (50%). | ||||||
(教科書) |
(参考書等) |
『Principles of Optics』
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | Students are required to do their homework. When trouble is encountered during homework, please refer to the recommended textbook or ask the instructor. | ||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | Office hours: Anytime by email, and appointments should be made via email. | ||||||
Introduction to Light Control-E2
Introduction to Light Control-E2
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 物理学(基礎) (使用言語) 英語 | |||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として2回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3 (教室) 1共03 |
This course aims to introduce light control techniques and enhance the understanding of cutting-edge photonic technologies. We will start by explaining the fundamentals of light control, followed by a discussion on nanostructure-based cutting-edge photonic technologies.
・Understand the fundamentals of light control
・Understand nanostructure-based cutting-edge photonic technologies |
1. Overview of the course (1 week) 2. Maxwell's equations and basic properties of light (4 weeks) 3. Simulation methods used in light control techniques (3 weeks) 4. Introduction to photonic nanostructures for light control (3 weeks) 5. Nanostructure-based cutting-edge photonic technologies (3 weeks) 6. Feedback (1 week) |
Having knowledge of electromagnetism is recommended.
Evaluation will be based on participation (20%), homework (30%), and final examination (50%).
『Principles of Optics』
Students are required to do their homework. When trouble is encountered during homework, please refer to the recommended textbook or ask the instructor.
Office hours: Anytime by email, and appointments should be made via email.
(科目名) |
基礎化学実験 1T7, 1T8, 1T9
(英 訳) | Fundamental Chemical Experiments | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(分野(分類)) | 化学(基礎) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(週コマ数) | 2 コマ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(授業形態) | 実験 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1回生 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(曜時限) | 月3・月4 |
(教室) | 化学実験室(2共) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | 物質を実際に手に取り,その性質や反応を自分の目で観察することは,物質をあつかう学問である化学を学習する上で欠くことのできない作業である.目に見えない原子・分子の世界に対する洞察力を養うことが本実験の主要な目的である.また,化学実験についての器具操作法と実験手法を習得すると同時に,実験の安全と環境保全の基本を学ぶことをあわせて目的とする. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(到達目標) | ・実験の目的と各操作の関連について理解する. ・実験の進め方を理解し,実際の操作が正しくできるようにする. ・実験実習をこなし,レポートを作成するアカデミックスキルを養う. |
(授業計画と内容) | (履修申し込みについては, https://www.z.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/zenkyo/guidance の「実験・実習の履修について」を参照すること.) 下記のテーマについて,実験を行う. 1.実験内容のガイダンスと実験ノート、レポートの書き方および試薬や器具の取り扱いなどの安全に関する講義 【全2回】 2.無機定性分析実験 【全4回】 (1) Fe3+, Al3+の基本反応 (2) Ag+, Pb2+の基本反応・Cu2+, Bi3+の基本反応 (3) Ni2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Zn2+の基本反応 (4) 未知試料の分析 3.容量分析実験 【全4回】 (1)キレート滴定 (2)ヨードメトリー (3)酸化反応速度の測定 (4)活性炭によるシュウ酸の吸着 4.有機化学実験 【全4回】 (1) 有機定性分析 (2) 色素と蛍光 (3) 4-メトキシアニリンのアセチル化 (4) ニトロ化および加水分解 5.フィードバック【1回】 フィードバックの方法は別途連絡します。 |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 本実験は化学実験の基礎であり,実際の操作を繰り返し行うことが不可欠であるので出席を重視する.「出席と参加状況(配点の割合:約50%)」と「レポートと実験態度(配点の割合:約50%)」によって評価する. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(教科書) |
『基礎化学実験・第2版 増補』
(参考書等) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(関連URL) | http://www.chem.zenkyo.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | 実習を行うに当たっては,事前に必ず教科書を読んで,予習しておくこと.実験ノートを用意し,実習の進め方をまとめておくとよい.実習後は結果をまとめて考察し,期限までにレポートを必ず提出すること. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | 本実験は理系学部の専門授業の基礎となる実験授業であり,化学関係の全学共通科目講義授業とあわせて履修することが望ましい. 【注意事項】 ○履修申し込みについては, https://www.z.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/zenkyo/guidance の「実験・実習の履修について」を参照のこと. ○詳細は4月はじめにKULASISに掲示するので注意すること. ○受講申込を済ませた後,初回の授業である実験ガイダンスに必ず出席すること. ○履修希望者多数の場合は抽選を行う. ○履修登録確定後,教科書および保護メガネを購入すること.また万一に備え,教育推進・学生支援部で取り扱っている「学生教育研究災害傷害保険」に加入しておくこと. ○Web配信動画資料「基礎化学実験 基本操作」を参考にしてもらいたい(上記[教科書]の欄にある関連URLを参照のこと). |
1T7, 1T8, 1T9 (科目名)
Fundamental Chemical Experiments
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 化学(基礎) (使用言語) 日本語 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 2 コマ (授業形態) 実験 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3・月4 (教室) 化学実験室(2共) |
・実験の進め方を理解し,実際の操作が正しくできるようにする. ・実験実習をこなし,レポートを作成するアカデミックスキルを養う. |
(履修申し込みについては, https://www.z.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/zenkyo/guidance の「実験・実習の履修について」を参照すること.) 下記のテーマについて,実験を行う. 1.実験内容のガイダンスと実験ノート、レポートの書き方および試薬や器具の取り扱いなどの安全に関する講義 【全2回】 2.無機定性分析実験 【全4回】 (1) Fe3+, Al3+の基本反応 (2) Ag+, Pb2+の基本反応・Cu2+, Bi3+の基本反応 (3) Ni2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Zn2+の基本反応 (4) 未知試料の分析 3.容量分析実験 【全4回】 (1)キレート滴定 (2)ヨードメトリー (3)酸化反応速度の測定 (4)活性炭によるシュウ酸の吸着 4.有機化学実験 【全4回】 (1) 有機定性分析 (2) 色素と蛍光 (3) 4-メトキシアニリンのアセチル化 (4) ニトロ化および加水分解 5.フィードバック【1回】 フィードバックの方法は別途連絡します。 |
『基礎化学実験・第2版 増補』
【注意事項】 ○履修申し込みについては, https://www.z.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/zenkyo/guidance の「実験・実習の履修について」を参照のこと. ○詳細は4月はじめにKULASISに掲示するので注意すること. ○受講申込を済ませた後,初回の授業である実験ガイダンスに必ず出席すること. ○履修希望者多数の場合は抽選を行う. ○履修登録確定後,教科書および保護メガネを購入すること.また万一に備え,教育推進・学生支援部で取り扱っている「学生教育研究災害傷害保険」に加入しておくこと. ○Web配信動画資料「基礎化学実験 基本操作」を参考にしてもらいたい(上記[教科書]の欄にある関連URLを参照のこと). |
(科目名) |
Basic Physical Chemistry (thermodynamics)-E2
(英 訳) | Basic Physical Chemistry (thermodynamics)-E2 | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||
(分野(分類)) | 化学(基礎) | ||||||
(使用言語) | 英語 | ||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1・2回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 4共23 | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | We learn about the thermodynamics in the state-change of matter, also in the chemical reactions. Contents of the lecture covers the following fields of change of state, thermodynamic laws, definition of the quantities (enthalpy, entropy, free energy, chemical potential), chemical equilibrium, and reaction kinetics. Aim of this course is the understanding of these concepts. | ||||||
(到達目標) | The aim of this class is to understand the basic principles of thermodynamics. | ||||||
(授業計画と内容) | 1. Change of the system and quantity of state 2. Thermal energy and work 3. 1st law of thermodynamics: Change of internal energy and enthalpy 4. Chemical reaction and thermal energy 5. Interpretation of internal energy in molecular level 6. Change of state of the ideal gas 7. 2nd law of thermodynamics: Entropy 8. Entropy change in the change of state 9. 3rd law of thermodynamics: Conversion from heat to work 10. Gibbs energy 11. Change of the Gibbs energy when temperature and pressure change 12. Chemical potential 13. Change of state and chemical potential change of matter 14. Chemical equilibrium and rate of chemical reaction 15. Assignment which is considered as a term examination 16. Feedback |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | Results will be evaluated by the submission of homework written in English (30%), attendance and discipline (20%), and assignment which is considered as a term examination (50%). | ||||||
(教科書) |
『Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 8th Edition in SI Units』
(McGraw-Hill Education)
『Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 10th Edition』
(Oxford University Press)
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | I recommend that the students should review the points to be learned. | ||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | Office hours are set at 15:00-17:00 in every Friday. | ||||||
Basic Physical Chemistry (thermodynamics)-E2
Basic Physical Chemistry (thermodynamics)-E2
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 化学(基礎) (使用言語) 英語 | |||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1・2回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3 (教室) 4共23 |
We learn about the thermodynamics in the state-change of matter, also in the chemical reactions. Contents of the lecture covers the following fields of change of state, thermodynamic laws, definition of the quantities (enthalpy, entropy, free energy, chemical potential), chemical equilibrium, and reaction kinetics. Aim of this course is the understanding of these concepts.
The aim of this class is to understand the basic principles of thermodynamics.
1. Change of the system and quantity of state 2. Thermal energy and work 3. 1st law of thermodynamics: Change of internal energy and enthalpy 4. Chemical reaction and thermal energy 5. Interpretation of internal energy in molecular level 6. Change of state of the ideal gas 7. 2nd law of thermodynamics: Entropy 8. Entropy change in the change of state 9. 3rd law of thermodynamics: Conversion from heat to work 10. Gibbs energy 11. Change of the Gibbs energy when temperature and pressure change 12. Chemical potential 13. Change of state and chemical potential change of matter 14. Chemical equilibrium and rate of chemical reaction 15. Assignment which is considered as a term examination 16. Feedback |
Results will be evaluated by the submission of homework written in English (30%), attendance and discipline (20%), and assignment which is considered as a term examination (50%).
『Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 8th Edition in SI Units』
(McGraw-Hill Education)
『Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 10th Edition』
(Oxford University Press)
I recommend that the students should review the points to be learned.
Office hours are set at 15:00-17:00 in every Friday.
(科目名) |
Thermodynamics in Everyday Life-E2
(英 訳) | Thermodynamics in Everyday Life-E2 | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||
(分野(分類)) | 化学(基礎) | ||||||
(使用言語) | 英語 | ||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1・2回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 4共10 | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | In this lecture you will learn about the fundamental ideas of thermodynamics in an understandable and fun way. If you are going to study natural sciences, especially physics or chemistry, you will come across these ideas again and again. Chemical reactions in nature, industrial processes, and of course all processes in your daily life are dependent on energy. As it turns out, energy comes in many different forms, and its flow and transformation follows fundamental laws, which we want to study in this course. | ||||||
(到達目標) | Students will gain the following form this lecture: - Interest and fun to learn more about how things work in daily life and technical processes. - An intuitive understanding of thermodynamic laws, which is fundamental to further studies of physics and chemistry. - The ability to understand scientific terminologies and express their own ideas of natural sciences in English. |
(授業計画と内容) | The course will cover the following topics in a total of 15 lectures / weeks (not including the final examination). The course schedule is subject to change depending on the student's understanding. 1) The big picture: Introduction to thermodynamic systems and their states. (2 weeks) We learn how processes in nature are controlled by a few simple properties, like pressure, temperature and volume. 2) Everything in balance: Equilibrium thermodynamics. (2 weeks) We think about different types of equilibria and their usefulness in describing processes. 3) It gets hot: Temperature and its scales. (2 weeks) We ask “What is temperature?” and answer this question from various viewpoints. 4) Order and disorder: Phases, the phase diagram, and mixtures. (4 weeks) We discuss the changes substances undergo when varying temperature, pressure and volume. 5) One-way flow: Forms of energy, energy conservation and transformation. (2 weeks) We learn about different forms of energy, laws for energy flow and their application in daily life. 6) Making energy do the work: Energy conservation in cyclic processes. (2 weeks) Finally we apply our knowledge of energy conservation to machines which transport heat or convert energy. < 8) Feedback session (1 week): After the final examination we will discuss the answers of the exam questions and resolve any open questions. |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | Preparing the homework (40%) Two short test during the lecture (20%) Final examination (40%) |
(教科書) |
No textbook is used. Lecture notes will be provided during class.
(参考書等) |
『Physical Chemistry』
(Oxford University Press)
((Topics from Part 1 - Thermodynamics) Always a good book to have for learning concepts in physical chemistry)
『The Laws of Thermodynamics: A Very Short Introduction』
(Oxford University Press)
(A short and easy to understand book about general concepts)
『Thermodynamics: An engineering approach』
(McGraw-Hill Education)
(Good for learning about thermodynamics with real-world examples and applications)
『Physical Chemistry from a Different Angle』
(A good book for getting an intuitive introduction into thermodynamics)
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | Students are expected to review the lecture handouts after each class and look up unknown English terms themselves. Homework assignments need to be prepared before the next lecture. It is also encouraged to refer to additional sources of information (books, websites) for the specific topics. If something is unclear or difficult, the instructor can be asked at any time. | ||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | The lectures will be held in English, but some supporting material and explanations are also given in Japanese. Students are welcome to ask questions in English or Japanese during and after the class. Office hours are flexible. Appointments can be made directly or via email. | ||||||
Thermodynamics in Everyday Life-E2
Thermodynamics in Everyday Life-E2
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 化学(基礎) (使用言語) 英語 | |||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1・2回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3 (教室) 4共10 |
In this lecture you will learn about the fundamental ideas of thermodynamics in an understandable and fun way. If you are going to study natural sciences, especially physics or chemistry, you will come across these ideas again and again. Chemical reactions in nature, industrial processes, and of course all processes in your daily life are dependent on energy. As it turns out, energy comes in many different forms, and its flow and transformation follows fundamental laws, which we want to study in this course.
Students will gain the following form this lecture:
- Interest and fun to learn more about how things work in daily life and technical processes. - An intuitive understanding of thermodynamic laws, which is fundamental to further studies of physics and chemistry. - The ability to understand scientific terminologies and express their own ideas of natural sciences in English. |
The course will cover the following topics in a total of 15 lectures / weeks (not including the final examination). The course schedule is subject to change depending on the student's understanding. 1) The big picture: Introduction to thermodynamic systems and their states. (2 weeks) We learn how processes in nature are controlled by a few simple properties, like pressure, temperature and volume. 2) Everything in balance: Equilibrium thermodynamics. (2 weeks) We think about different types of equilibria and their usefulness in describing processes. 3) It gets hot: Temperature and its scales. (2 weeks) We ask “What is temperature?” and answer this question from various viewpoints. 4) Order and disorder: Phases, the phase diagram, and mixtures. (4 weeks) We discuss the changes substances undergo when varying temperature, pressure and volume. 5) One-way flow: Forms of energy, energy conservation and transformation. (2 weeks) We learn about different forms of energy, laws for energy flow and their application in daily life. 6) Making energy do the work: Energy conservation in cyclic processes. (2 weeks) Finally we apply our knowledge of energy conservation to machines which transport heat or convert energy. < 8) Feedback session (1 week): After the final examination we will discuss the answers of the exam questions and resolve any open questions. |
Preparing the homework (40%)
Two short test during the lecture (20%) Final examination (40%) |
No textbook is used. Lecture notes will be provided during class.
『Physical Chemistry』
(Oxford University Press)
((Topics from Part 1 - Thermodynamics) Always a good book to have for learning concepts in physical chemistry)
『The Laws of Thermodynamics: A Very Short Introduction』
(Oxford University Press)
(A short and easy to understand book about general concepts)
『Thermodynamics: An engineering approach』
(McGraw-Hill Education)
(Good for learning about thermodynamics with real-world examples and applications)
『Physical Chemistry from a Different Angle』
(A good book for getting an intuitive introduction into thermodynamics)
Students are expected to review the lecture handouts after each class and look up unknown English terms themselves. Homework assignments need to be prepared before the next lecture. It is also encouraged to refer to additional sources of information (books, websites) for the specific topics. If something is unclear or difficult, the instructor can be asked at any time.
The lectures will be held in English, but some supporting material and explanations are also given in Japanese. Students are welcome to ask questions in English or Japanese during and after the class. Office hours are flexible. Appointments can be made directly or via email.
(科目名) |
生物学実習I [基礎コース]
(英 訳) | Experimental Practice in Biology I [Basic Biology Course] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(分野(分類)) | 生物学(総論) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(週コマ数) | 2 コマ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(授業形態) | 実習 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1・2回生 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(対象学生) | 全学向 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(曜時限) | 月3・月4 |
(教室) | 生物学実習室1(2共) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | 生物の形態、分類、生態などの観察や調査、生体内の分子や細胞内小器官に関する実験を通して、様々な生命現象や自然環境についての視点を養うことを目的とする。微生物や菌類から被子植物や昆虫まで、幅広い分類群の生物を実際に手にとって扱う体験を得ることも重要な目的である。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(到達目標) | 生物学の研究において不可欠である基本的な実験操作のいくつか(形態の観察・スケッチ、手作業による組織解剖・細胞の取り扱い、顕微鏡の操作、形態標本の作製、DNAの取り扱いと分析など)を自在に駆使できるようになる。 |
(授業計画と内容) | 各回、違ったテーマの実習を行い、それに対する討論、レポート作成を行う。様々な生物について生態学、形態学、分子細胞生物学などの手法で学び、総合的に生命現象を理解する。 初回は、レポートの書き方や実験についての留意事項を説明する。 課題の内容は以下を予定している(数字は順番ではない)。2回目以降の日程については、初回のガイダンスで伝える。天候や生物の発生状況により、実習の内容が前後する可能性がある。野外の調査地が集合場所となる週については、事前に教員からの指示がある。 1.ガイダンス(実験実習における安全対策・実験器具の取扱・レポートの書き方・野外実習の心得など) 2.小動物の形態観察・標本作製・解剖・同定 3.昆虫の採集・標本作製と形態観察 4.植物の分類と形態 5.植物の葉の形態 6.河川環境調査の基礎技術(渓流の水生昆虫群集調査) 7.菌根・子実体による菌類同定法 8.タンパク質の電気泳動 9.緩衝液などの試薬の調製方法 10.DNAの抽出 11.遺伝子配列解析 12.微生物(細菌・藻類)の採集・分離と観察 13.微生物の培養(大腸菌の生育測定) 14.光合成色素の分離 15.フィードバック |
(履修要件) |
受講希望者は、初回授業の前に、履修登録とは別に、吉田南2号館2階もしくは3階の生物実習室前掲示板の指示に従い受講申込を行うこと。受講定員を超える申込があった場合は、事前に教職員が履修許可者の抽選を行う。 野外での実習活動を行うことを予め了承して頂く必要がある。野外での実習を行うことが多いので、野外活動に適した服装(長袖・長ズボン・歩きやすい靴など)と飲み水などを各自で準備して実習に臨むこと。 |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 実習への参加状況、平常点評価(実習への取り組み方などに基づく)、レポートの成績の3点で評価する。詳細は初回授業で説明する。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(教科書) |
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | 授業外の時間を使ってのレポート作成は必要である。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | 学生教育研究災害傷害保険に加入していることが必要である。 何回かは、酷暑のなかで野外作業をすることがあるので、実習参加に向けて十分な体調・健康管理をおこなうことが求められる。 文系の学部に所属する学生にも学習しやすい内容であるので、積極的に履修して欲しい。 1〜3回は、最大で片道500円程度の交通費を要する場所での実習を計画している。この場合の 旅費は履修生個人で負担していただくことになる。 |
生物学実習I [基礎コース]
Experimental Practice in Biology I [Basic Biology Course]
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 生物学(総論) (使用言語) 日本語 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 2 コマ (授業形態) 実習 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1・2回生 (対象学生) 全学向 |
月3・月4 (教室) 生物学実習室1(2共) |
各回、違ったテーマの実習を行い、それに対する討論、レポート作成を行う。様々な生物について生態学、形態学、分子細胞生物学などの手法で学び、総合的に生命現象を理解する。 初回は、レポートの書き方や実験についての留意事項を説明する。 課題の内容は以下を予定している(数字は順番ではない)。2回目以降の日程については、初回のガイダンスで伝える。天候や生物の発生状況により、実習の内容が前後する可能性がある。野外の調査地が集合場所となる週については、事前に教員からの指示がある。 1.ガイダンス(実験実習における安全対策・実験器具の取扱・レポートの書き方・野外実習の心得など) 2.小動物の形態観察・標本作製・解剖・同定 3.昆虫の採集・標本作製と形態観察 4.植物の分類と形態 5.植物の葉の形態 6.河川環境調査の基礎技術(渓流の水生昆虫群集調査) 7.菌根・子実体による菌類同定法 8.タンパク質の電気泳動 9.緩衝液などの試薬の調製方法 10.DNAの抽出 11.遺伝子配列解析 12.微生物(細菌・藻類)の採集・分離と観察 13.微生物の培養(大腸菌の生育測定) 14.光合成色素の分離 15.フィードバック |
受講希望者は、初回授業の前に、履修登録とは別に、吉田南2号館2階もしくは3階の生物実習室前掲示板の指示に従い受講申込を行うこと。受講定員を超える申込があった場合は、事前に教職員が履修許可者の抽選を行う。 野外での実習活動を行うことを予め了承して頂く必要がある。野外での実習を行うことが多いので、野外活動に適した服装(長袖・長ズボン・歩きやすい靴など)と飲み水などを各自で準備して実習に臨むこと。 |
何回かは、酷暑のなかで野外作業をすることがあるので、実習参加に向けて十分な体調・健康管理をおこなうことが求められる。 文系の学部に所属する学生にも学習しやすい内容であるので、積極的に履修して欲しい。 1〜3回は、最大で片道500円程度の交通費を要する場所での実習を計画している。この場合の 旅費は履修生個人で負担していただくことになる。 |
(科目名) |
生物学実習III [細胞と分子生物学コース]
(英 訳) | Experimental Practice in Biology III [Experiments in microbiology and molecular biology] | ||||||||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||||||||
(分野(分類)) | 生物学(総論) | ||||||||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||||||||
(週コマ数) | 2 コマ | ||||||||||||
(授業形態) | 実習 | ||||||||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1・2回生 | ||||||||||||
(対象学生) | 全学向 | ||||||||||||
(曜時限) | 月3・月4 |
(教室) | 生物実習室2(2共) | ||||||||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | 本実習はミクロ系生物学の基礎的な実験手法を修得することを目的とする。具体的には、身の回りの微生物観察や培養および分子生物学実験よりなる。微生物は、あらゆる環境に棲息し、人間活動に深く関わっている。身近な微生物の観察、分離・培養を通して、微生物の多様性について認識するとともに、微生物の取り扱いにおける基礎を修得する。また、分子生物学実験は、すでに現代社会と密接に関係した生命科学の基礎を担っている。たとえば、iPS細胞に代表される再生医療、世界で広く流通している遺伝子組換え作物創成において分子生物学実験の知識は必要不可欠である。分子生物学実習ではDNAの調製や解析を主として行う。 | ||||||||||||
(到達目標) | 身近な微生物の多様性を知り、微生物の取扱いに関する基本的実験方法を習得する。また、分子生物学の基礎的実験手法を習得する。 | ||||||||||||
(授業計画と内容) | 第1回:ガイダンス 第2回:顕微鏡の使い方 第3回:微生物の観察 (発酵食品・環境中の微生物) 第4回:実験器具の滅菌1、培地の調整・滅菌1(試薬の計量、分注器の使い方、オートクレーブ法) 第5回:培地の調製・滅菌2、寒天平板の作製 第6回:食品、土壌、その他からの微生物の分離(希釈の方法、線画法、塗布法) 第7回:分離した微生物の観察1(生菌数計数、コロニーと細菌形態の観察、グラム染色、ペーパーディスク法による抗生物質の評価) 第8回:分離した微生物の観察2、ペーパーディスク法による抗生物質試験結果の評価 第9回:試薬類の調製 第10回:生物からのタンパク質とDNAの調製 第11回:電気泳動によるタンパク質の分析 第12回:PCRによるDNAの増幅と制限酵素によるDNAの切断 第13回:電気泳動によるDNAの分析 第14回:DNAの塩基配列の解析 第15回:フィードバック 実習内容の順序は前後する可能性がある |
(履修要件) |
高校等での生物の履修経験の必要は無い。タート時点では微生物学・生化学の知識は必要ではないが、実習に必要になる知識については、実習中に適宜補足する。 |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 実習への参加状況や取り組み方などの平常点、および実習後のレポート内容に基づいて評価する。 詳細は実習中に説明する。 |
(教科書) |
(参考書等) | |||||||||||||
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | 実習書をPandAにアップロードするとともに、印刷物を第2回目の実習の際に配布するので、実習前に予習すること。実習後は実習によって得られた結果等を整理すること。 | ||||||||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | 詳細については、履修受付の際に案内する。 文系の学生にとっても難しくない。 受講者は傷害保険(学生教育研究災害傷害保険)へ加入すること。 |
生物学実習III [細胞と分子生物学コース]
Experimental Practice in Biology III [Experiments in microbiology and molecular biology]
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 生物学(総論) (使用言語) 日本語 | ||||||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 2 コマ (授業形態) 実習 | ||||||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1・2回生 (対象学生) 全学向 |
月3・月4 (教室) 生物実習室2(2共) |
第1回:ガイダンス 第2回:顕微鏡の使い方 第3回:微生物の観察 (発酵食品・環境中の微生物) 第4回:実験器具の滅菌1、培地の調整・滅菌1(試薬の計量、分注器の使い方、オートクレーブ法) 第5回:培地の調製・滅菌2、寒天平板の作製 第6回:食品、土壌、その他からの微生物の分離(希釈の方法、線画法、塗布法) 第7回:分離した微生物の観察1(生菌数計数、コロニーと細菌形態の観察、グラム染色、ペーパーディスク法による抗生物質の評価) 第8回:分離した微生物の観察2、ペーパーディスク法による抗生物質試験結果の評価 第9回:試薬類の調製 第10回:生物からのタンパク質とDNAの調製 第11回:電気泳動によるタンパク質の分析 第12回:PCRによるDNAの増幅と制限酵素によるDNAの切断 第13回:電気泳動によるDNAの分析 第14回:DNAの塩基配列の解析 第15回:フィードバック 実習内容の順序は前後する可能性がある |
高校等での生物の履修経験の必要は無い。タート時点では微生物学・生化学の知識は必要ではないが、実習に必要になる知識については、実習中に適宜補足する。 |
詳細は実習中に説明する。 |
文系の学生にとっても難しくない。 受講者は傷害保険(学生教育研究災害傷害保険)へ加入すること。 |
(科目名) |
(英 訳) | Introduction to Natural History | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||
(分野(分類)) | 生物学(各論) | ||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1・2回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 全学向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 共北27 | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | 博物誌には,ある時代の人々が自然物をどのようにとらえていたかが映し出されている。東アジア,ヨーロッパ,そして日本におけるそれぞれの時代に編まれた博物誌を紹介しながら,博物学の歴史を論じる。 | ||||||
(到達目標) | 文献史料の原典に触れつつ,人間が自然物をどのように理解しようとしてきたかを考察し,自然史に関する正確で幅広い知識を獲得する。 | ||||||
(授業計画と内容) | 第1回.博物学と博物誌 第2回.中国の本草:博物学の源流 第3回〜第4回.中国の本草:本草学の発展 第5回.西洋の博物学の始まり 第6回〜第7回.西欧の博物学の発展 第8回〜第9回.ヨーロッパの大博物学時代 第10回.博物学から近代生物学へ 第11回.日本の博物学 第12回〜第13回.江戸時代の博物学 第14回.江戸の博物学から明治の生物学へ 《期末試験》 第15回.フィードバック |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | レポート(5回、各10点),試験(50点)により評価する。 5回以上授業を欠席した場合には,不合格とする。 |
(教科書) |
(参考書等) |
『文明の中の博物学 西欧と日本 上』
『文明の中の博物学 西欧と日本 下』
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | 事前に配布するプリントの内容をあらかじめ読んで予習しておくこと。また,講義で扱われた人物や作品について,その時代背景を調べながら,講義の内容を復習すること。講義中でも具体的に指示する。 | ||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | 板書およびスライドによる講義を行い,必要な図はプリントにして配布する。 |
Introduction to Natural History
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 生物学(各論) (使用言語) 日本語 | |||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1・2回生 (対象学生) 全学向 |
月3 (教室) 共北27 |
第1回.博物学と博物誌 第2回.中国の本草:博物学の源流 第3回〜第4回.中国の本草:本草学の発展 第5回.西洋の博物学の始まり 第6回〜第7回.西欧の博物学の発展 第8回〜第9回.ヨーロッパの大博物学時代 第10回.博物学から近代生物学へ 第11回.日本の博物学 第12回〜第13回.江戸時代の博物学 第14回.江戸の博物学から明治の生物学へ 《期末試験》 第15回.フィードバック |
5回以上授業を欠席した場合には,不合格とする。 |
『文明の中の博物学 西欧と日本 上』
『文明の中の博物学 西欧と日本 下』
(科目名) |
(英 訳) | Life and Information | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||
(分野(分類)) | 生物学(各論) | ||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1・2回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 全学向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 1共32 | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | 生命現象を物理現象として取り扱い、生命現象を定量化したデータから、有用な情報を導き出し生物の基本原理を理解することが重要な課題となっている。生命現象のうち、単一の生体高分子や細胞の挙動についての解説からはじめ、情報処理装置としての生物をテーマに生命現象を俯瞰する。生命現象を物理学の視点でとらえる思考法や、生命科学と情報学の境界領域について理解を深める。 | ||||||
(到達目標) | 生命を物理現象としてとらえるための基本的な知識を修得することで、複雑な生命現象の数理モデルを考察できるようになる。 |
(授業計画と内容) | 以下の課題について、1課題あたり1〜2回の授業をする予定である。 1. 細胞内の世界 2. 生体内高分子の構造と機能 3. 衝突と酵素反応 4. ランダムウォーク 5. 分子モーター 6. 生体膜 7. 生体電気 8. 情報とエントロピー 9. 自己増殖オートマトン 10. 生体のリズム 授業はフィードバックを含め全15回行う |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 定期試験による。 | ||||||
(教科書) |
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | 予習については次回の内容を授業中に指示するので、調べてきてください。 復習については授業を振り返り、わからないことがあれば、フィードバックしてください。 |
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | 生物学を勉強したことのない人も対象にしています。 | ||||||
Life and Information
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 生物学(各論) (使用言語) 日本語 | |||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1・2回生 (対象学生) 全学向 |
月3 (教室) 1共32 |
以下の課題について、1課題あたり1〜2回の授業をする予定である。 1. 細胞内の世界 2. 生体内高分子の構造と機能 3. 衝突と酵素反応 4. ランダムウォーク 5. 分子モーター 6. 生体膜 7. 生体電気 8. 情報とエントロピー 9. 自己増殖オートマトン 10. 生体のリズム 授業はフィードバックを含め全15回行う |
復習については授業を振り返り、わからないことがあれば、フィードバックしてください。 |
(科目名) |
Comparative Cognition-E2
(英 訳) | Comparative Cognition-E2 | ||||||||||||||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||||||||||||||
(分野(分類)) | 生物学(各論) | ||||||||||||||||||
(使用言語) | 英語 | ||||||||||||||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||||||||||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||||||||||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||||||||||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||||||||||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||||||||||||||
(配当学年) | 全回生 | ||||||||||||||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||||||||||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 教育院棟演習室24 | ||||||||||||||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | Comparative cognition offers a ride through the mental capacities of animals as simple as the humble bumblebee and as complex as our own closest relative, the chimpanzee. In our quest to understand the origins of the human mind, we cannot forget that like all organisms on earth, we are but a small part of the great evolutionary tree of life. In this course, students learn about animal cognition through the lens of behavior, ecology and evolution. Students learn about how and why animals use cognition to help them navigate their physical and social worlds, and how and why they learn and remember things about their environments. The course has a strong emphasis on evolutionary theory, as well as the cognitive experiments that have allowed scientists to discover what we now know today about the animal mind. | ||||||||||||||||||
(到達目標) | In this course, students will learn to: - apply the scientific method to questions about cognition and behavior - distinguish between evidence-based statements about what animals are thinking and anthropomorphic descriptions - appreciate that human cognition is the product of a long evolutionary process, just as it is in all other species - understand that cognition has both general (connected) and modular components that help animals solve the problems that are important to them |
(授業計画と内容) | This course will be conducted in 5 parts, as described below. In principle, each topic within each part reflects one class, but the order and spacing of topics may be moved depending on the flow of the course or the occurrence of specific events related to the course material. Part 1 - the science of comparative cognition 1. introducing cognition, evolution and behavior 2. the comparative method and the evolution of the animal brain 3. evolutionary and ecological pressures driving cognition Part 2 - basic cognitive processes 4. sensing, perceiving and attending to the world 5-6. connecting the dots through learning & memory Part 3 - finding our way in the physical world 7. spatial cognition 8. telling time & counting 9. foraging, planning & using tools Part 4 - finding our way in the social world 11. communication & language 12. social cognition and social competence 13. social learning and animal culture Part 5 - putting it all together 14. understanding ourselves, Darwin’s ‘degree not kind’, ethics of cognitive knowledge *Note that this course is conducted using the flipped learning format, where students watch video lectures on demand (YouTube) before each class session, and then use class time to dive deeper into the course material. Be prepared to use class time for discussion, Q&A, and other content-related activities. **Note that there will be a midterm examination held during the 7th or 8th week of class, depending on course progress and suitability, as well as the final exam at the end. Details will be announced well in advance during class and via PandA/KULASIS. |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | course participation - 10% (attendance 5% and discussion 5%) course reports - 30% (3 separate 1-page reports on topics covered in class) midterm exam - 30% (first half of course content, written test) final exam - 30% (second half of course content, written test) |
(教科書) |
(参考書等) |
『Cognition, Evolution, Behavior』
(Oxford University Press, 2010)
(Recommended, not required. Material in textbook enhances learning.)
『Comparative Cognition』
(Cambridge University Press, 2015)
(Recommended, not required. Material in textbook enhances learning.)
『Animal Cognition: Evolution, Behavior & Cognition』
(Red Glove Press, 2021)
(Recommended, not required. Material in textbook enhances learning.)
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | This course will use Kyoto University's online Learning Management System (LMS) PandA. Please get familiar with the system before starting the course. Lectures will be provided as on-demand videos (YouTube) and must be watched before each class session. There will also be other content shared during the course, including additional videos (YouTube) and readings (PandA) and ongoing asynchronous posting in the Discussion Forum (PandA). For the course reports, students are expected to conduct literature research and produce a written document, as well as review a small number of reports from fellow classmates as part of the assignment (Peer Review). The course will follow the format of flipped education, in which lectures are viewed on-demand outside of class time, and class time is used for thinking, solving content-related problems, asking questions, engaging in discussions and doing other lecture-related activities. |
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | There are no office hours for this course, but the instructor is always open to communicating digitally in whatever medium works best; email, online meetings, the chat room or discussion forums in PandA, etc. In addition, appointments may be made before/after class if needed. | ||||||||||||||||||
Comparative Cognition-E2
Comparative Cognition-E2
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 生物学(各論) (使用言語) 英語 | |||||||||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 全回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3 (教室) 教育院棟演習室24 |
Comparative cognition offers a ride through the mental capacities of animals as simple as the humble bumblebee and as complex as our own closest relative, the chimpanzee. In our quest to understand the origins of the human mind, we cannot forget that like all organisms on earth, we are but a small part of the great evolutionary tree of life. In this course, students learn about animal cognition through the lens of behavior, ecology and evolution. Students learn about how and why animals use cognition to help them navigate their physical and social worlds, and how and why they learn and remember things about their environments. The course has a strong emphasis on evolutionary theory, as well as the cognitive experiments that have allowed scientists to discover what we now know today about the animal mind.
In this course, students will learn to:
- apply the scientific method to questions about cognition and behavior - distinguish between evidence-based statements about what animals are thinking and anthropomorphic descriptions - appreciate that human cognition is the product of a long evolutionary process, just as it is in all other species - understand that cognition has both general (connected) and modular components that help animals solve the problems that are important to them |
This course will be conducted in 5 parts, as described below. In principle, each topic within each part reflects one class, but the order and spacing of topics may be moved depending on the flow of the course or the occurrence of specific events related to the course material. Part 1 - the science of comparative cognition 1. introducing cognition, evolution and behavior 2. the comparative method and the evolution of the animal brain 3. evolutionary and ecological pressures driving cognition Part 2 - basic cognitive processes 4. sensing, perceiving and attending to the world 5-6. connecting the dots through learning & memory Part 3 - finding our way in the physical world 7. spatial cognition 8. telling time & counting 9. foraging, planning & using tools Part 4 - finding our way in the social world 11. communication & language 12. social cognition and social competence 13. social learning and animal culture Part 5 - putting it all together 14. understanding ourselves, Darwin’s ‘degree not kind’, ethics of cognitive knowledge *Note that this course is conducted using the flipped learning format, where students watch video lectures on demand (YouTube) before each class session, and then use class time to dive deeper into the course material. Be prepared to use class time for discussion, Q&A, and other content-related activities. **Note that there will be a midterm examination held during the 7th or 8th week of class, depending on course progress and suitability, as well as the final exam at the end. Details will be announced well in advance during class and via PandA/KULASIS. |
course participation - 10% (attendance 5% and discussion 5%)
course reports - 30% (3 separate 1-page reports on topics covered in class) midterm exam - 30% (first half of course content, written test) final exam - 30% (second half of course content, written test) |
『Cognition, Evolution, Behavior』
(Oxford University Press, 2010)
(Recommended, not required. Material in textbook enhances learning.)
『Comparative Cognition』
(Cambridge University Press, 2015)
(Recommended, not required. Material in textbook enhances learning.)
『Animal Cognition: Evolution, Behavior & Cognition』
(Red Glove Press, 2021)
(Recommended, not required. Material in textbook enhances learning.)
This course will use Kyoto University's online Learning Management System (LMS) PandA. Please get familiar with the system before starting the course. Lectures will be provided as on-demand videos (YouTube) and must be watched before each class session. There will also be other content shared during the course, including additional videos (YouTube) and readings (PandA) and ongoing asynchronous posting in the Discussion Forum (PandA). For the course reports, students are expected to conduct literature research and produce a written document, as well as review a small number of reports from fellow classmates as part of the assignment (Peer Review).
The course will follow the format of flipped education, in which lectures are viewed on-demand outside of class time, and class time is used for thinking, solving content-related problems, asking questions, engaging in discussions and doing other lecture-related activities. |
There are no office hours for this course, but the instructor is always open to communicating digitally in whatever medium works best; email, online meetings, the chat room or discussion forums in PandA, etc. In addition, appointments may be made before/after class if needed.
(科目名) |
Basic Biology-E2
(英 訳) | Basic Biology-E2 | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||
(分野(分類)) | 生物学(各論) | ||||||
(使用言語) | 英語 | ||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1・2回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 理系向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 共東12 | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | This class will provide a basic introduction to molecular and cell biology, in English. The class is open to 1st and 2nd year students, and will assume some prior familiarity with elementary chemistry and biology, although students from other majors are welcome to attend. The objective for the class is to introduce students to core concepts in biology, the scientific study of living organisms. We will pay attention to some of the similarities in different organisms as well as some of the obvious differences, not only between organisms but between cell types, and at the molecular level of protein functions. | ||||||
(到達目標) | Students will gain familiarity with the fundamentals of biology, starting with the most basic concepts, considering the chemistry of carbon and water, and the energy processes and the macromolecules that define life. Students will then begin to learn about the cell, and how cellular function depends on complex interactions between proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, acting alone, in complexes, or in larger structures such as organelles. Students should begin to appreciate how fundamental processes are conserved over evolutionary time, and also how they vary in different species: the unity and diversity of life. |
(授業計画と内容) | 1. Introductory Lecture 2. The Role of Chemistry in Biology 3. Biological Macromolecules I 4. Biological Macromolecules II 5. Energy and Life 6. Cell Structure and Function 7. Lipids and Membranes 8. Cell Respiration 9. Cell Division 10. Central Dogma I 11. Central Dogma II 12. DNA Technology 13. Diversity & Classification of Life 14. Introduction to Evolutionary Biology 15. Final Exam 16. Feedback Class |
(履修要件) |
This class is open to all 1st and 2nd year science students, but it requires some basic (high school-level) knowledge of chemistry and biology.
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | Lectures will encourage student participation. There will be in-class quizzes and then a final exam to assess comprehension of the concepts of basic biology taught in this course. Evaluation: attendance and student participation: 20%; quizzes: 30%; final exam: 50%. | ||||||
(教科書) |
Lecture handouts will be provided for each class.
(参考書等) |
『Campbell Biology』
(Most of the content of this course is covered in this textbook)
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | Students may need 2-3 hours per week to review the lecture material and look up any background information as necessary. Some students may know the subject already, but need to learn the English vocabulary; others may need to learn both Biology and English. | ||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | In principle, anytime. Please contact the instructor by e-mail if you have any questions. For consultations about course-related matters outside class hours, please make an appointment directly or by e-mail. | ||||||
Basic Biology-E2
Basic Biology-E2
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 生物学(各論) (使用言語) 英語 | |||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1・2回生 (対象学生) 理系向 |
月3 (教室) 共東12 |
This class will provide a basic introduction to molecular and cell biology, in English. The class is open to 1st and 2nd year students, and will assume some prior familiarity with elementary chemistry and biology, although students from other majors are welcome to attend. The objective for the class is to introduce students to core concepts in biology, the scientific study of living organisms. We will pay attention to some of the similarities in different organisms as well as some of the obvious differences, not only between organisms but between cell types, and at the molecular level of protein functions.
Students will gain familiarity with the fundamentals of biology, starting with the most basic concepts, considering the chemistry of carbon and water, and the energy processes and the macromolecules that define life.
Students will then begin to learn about the cell, and how cellular function depends on complex interactions between proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, acting alone, in complexes, or in larger structures such as organelles. Students should begin to appreciate how fundamental processes are conserved over evolutionary time, and also how they vary in different species: the unity and diversity of life. |
1. Introductory Lecture 2. The Role of Chemistry in Biology 3. Biological Macromolecules I 4. Biological Macromolecules II 5. Energy and Life 6. Cell Structure and Function 7. Lipids and Membranes 8. Cell Respiration 9. Cell Division 10. Central Dogma I 11. Central Dogma II 12. DNA Technology 13. Diversity & Classification of Life 14. Introduction to Evolutionary Biology 15. Final Exam 16. Feedback Class |
This class is open to all 1st and 2nd year science students, but it requires some basic (high school-level) knowledge of chemistry and biology.
Lectures will encourage student participation. There will be in-class quizzes and then a final exam to assess comprehension of the concepts of basic biology taught in this course. Evaluation: attendance and student participation: 20%; quizzes: 30%; final exam: 50%.
Lecture handouts will be provided for each class.
『Campbell Biology』
(Most of the content of this course is covered in this textbook)
Students may need 2-3 hours per week to review the lecture material and look up any background information as necessary. Some students may know the subject already, but need to learn the English vocabulary; others may need to learn both Biology and English.
In principle, anytime. Please contact the instructor by e-mail if you have any questions. For consultations about course-related matters outside class hours, please make an appointment directly or by e-mail.
(科目名) |
(英 訳) | Introduction to Plant Science | ||||||||||||||||||||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 自然 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(分野(分類)) | 生物学(各論) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(旧群) | B群 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(授業形態) | 講義 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(配当学年) | 主として1・2回生 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(対象学生) | 全学向 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 共北28 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | 植物科学は、地球環境や食糧問題に密接に関わる身近な科学である。また、植物には他の生物群では見られない様々な性質が見られ、基礎科学の研究対象としても魅力的である。本講義では、植物科学の概要を最新の研究の話題も含めて、分かりやすく講述し、植物が関わる様々な問題を科学的に判断する素養を身につけることを目的とする。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(到達目標) | 植物科学に関する基礎を学び、最新の研究の動向を知ることで、環境や食糧生産など現代社会が抱える問題を植物科学の視点で判断できるようになる。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(授業計画と内容) | 1)地球環境を支配する葉緑体(鹿内) 2)過酷な光環境を生きる植物の技(鹿内) 3)不都合な光合成の進化(鹿内) 4)葉緑体は生き物(鹿内) 5)植物の光環境適応(松下) 6)植物の「目」の正体(松下) 7)光環境により遺伝子発現を激変させる植物(松下) 8)植物の驚異的な環境適応能力を支えるしくみ(松下) 9)植物の1日スケジュール(小山) 10)生物時計の設計図(小山) 11)植物の季節感知法(小山) 12)植物のペプチドホルモンと気孔形成(嶋田) 13)カラシ油爆弾による植物の生体防御(嶋田) 14)植物の屈性反応と姿勢を保つしくみ(嶋田) 15)フィードバック(1回) 担当教員の順番は変更するかもしれません。 |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 小テスト(40点)と期末試験(60点) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(教科書) |
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | 配付資料を元に復習すること。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Introduction to Plant Science
(英 訳)
(群) 自然 (分野(分類)) 生物学(各論) (使用言語) 日本語 | ||||||||||||||||
(旧群) B群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 講義 | ||||||||||||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 主として1・2回生 (対象学生) 全学向 |
月3 (教室) 共北28 |
1)地球環境を支配する葉緑体(鹿内) 2)過酷な光環境を生きる植物の技(鹿内) 3)不都合な光合成の進化(鹿内) 4)葉緑体は生き物(鹿内) 5)植物の光環境適応(松下) 6)植物の「目」の正体(松下) 7)光環境により遺伝子発現を激変させる植物(松下) 8)植物の驚異的な環境適応能力を支えるしくみ(松下) 9)植物の1日スケジュール(小山) 10)生物時計の設計図(小山) 11)植物の季節感知法(小山) 12)植物のペプチドホルモンと気孔形成(嶋田) 13)カラシ油爆弾による植物の生体防御(嶋田) 14)植物の屈性反応と姿勢を保つしくみ(嶋田) 15)フィードバック(1回) 担当教員の順番は変更するかもしれません。 |
(科目名) |
英語ライティング−リスニングA EW52a 1T11
(英 訳) | English Writing-Listening A | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 外国語 | ||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||
(旧群) | C群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 演習(外国語) | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 1回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 全学向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 共北34 | ||||||
(技能領域) | Academic writing & listening | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | For the development of students' skills in English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP), English Writing-Listening A (EWLA) consists of three components: writing, listening, and vocabulary. For practice with writing, students identify, recognize, or understand basic elements of academic writing and, then, recall and apply this knowledge in the process of organizing and revising a short academic essay of at least 300 words. Under the guidance of the instructor they learn necessary foundational academic writing skills as stated in the Course Goal section below. For practice with listening, students take the online course known as GORILLA (Global Online Resources for International Language Learning Assistance) outside class. They are assessed on their listening proficiency through weekly online assignments, as well as the four tests that the instructor administers in class. For vocabulary learning, students use the standard reference book titled “Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110.” Like the listening component, students independently study words from the general academic list that the instructor assigns (usually 50 words a week) and are tested on a number of these words weekly. |
(到達目標) | By the end of this course, students will acquire the following skills at varying levels. Students should be able to: - Recognize and use basic academic words in English - Process general academic discourse presented aurally - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of essay introduction paragraphs (i.e., hook, topic statements, general statements and thesis statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable introduction paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of body paragraphs (i.e., topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences, concluding sentence) and apply this knowledge to write suitable body paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of conclusion paragraphs (i.e., summary of main points, final statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable conclusion paragraphs for short academic essays - Recognize basic methods of maintaining the unity (e.g., definitions) and coherence (e.g., transitional words) of ideas in short academic essays, and apply this knowledge to writing. - Recall and apply basic conventions (e.g., punctuation) when formatting short academic essays - Understand basic paraphrasing techniques (e.g., using synonyms, changing structure) to integrate information from external sources, recognize basic citation conventions, and utilize this knowledge to avoid plagiarism - Understand the writing process and utilize it for drafting and editing to produce short academic essays - Combine knowledge of (i) the structure of a short academic essay, with allowances made for rhetorical style such as problem-solution and argumentation, and (ii) the writing process, and apply this knowledge to produce a short academic essay of at least 300 words |
(授業計画と内容) | In-class activities are related to the contents of the textbook. Though there may be some adjustments in certain cases, the schedule of this course is as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction to Academic Writing Chapter 2 Paragraphs & Topic Sentences Chapter 3 Supporting Sentences Chapter 4 Paragraph Writing Chapter 5 Writing Process Chapter 6 Introduction Paragraph Chapter 7 Conclusion Paragraph Chapter 8 Citations & Paraphrase Chapter 9 Essay Structure Chapter 10 Essay Outline Chapter 11 Definitions, Opinions, Facts, & Format Chapter 12 Peer Review Chapter 13 Revising & Documenting Chapter 14 Proofreading & Reflecting Feedback Important: Some instructors may cover more than one chapter in one week for better learning outcomes in the whole semester. Each instructor decides whether or not the class conducts the final examination in the test week. Students should confirm the class policy from their instructors. |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 1. Vocabulary assessments 10% 2. Listening assessments 30% *Students must pass at least eight out of 13 learning units (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit) of the online materials in order to receive credit for this course. The score for the listening assessments is determined by performance on four in-class assessments and the study record of the online materials (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit). 3. Writing assignments 60% *Scores for writing assignments may include in-class writing tasks and participation in class activities as well as a term paper. *Students must complete various writing assignments, including an essay of at least 300 words in order to receive credit for this course. Note that plagiarism must be avoided. |
(教科書) |
『EGAP Writing 1: Academic Essays_2024 Edition』
(Students are requested to download the PDF file from the URL. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/287051)
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | Students are required to study academic vocabulary from the designated part (EGAP vocabulary) of the "Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110" outside of class, and regularly take vocabulary assessments in class. Students are also required to study the online listening materials outside of class through the GORILLA system. The materials for this course are as follows: ・KU Academic Listening (A) Units 1-12 (required) ・TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit (required) ・KU Can-Do Self-Assessment (optional) ・Extra practice for further study (optional) Students must complete each unit by the assigned deadline. If students miss the deadline for a certain unit, the unit will not be evaluated as a passed unit. For details such as the deadlines and the in-class assessment schedule, please see the handout distributed in class and the information posted on the GORILLA system. |
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | Students are advised to save the textbook PDF file in their digital devices. If they want a printed version, they can print the file on a printer at home or a nearby shop, purchase a book-binder (less than 200 yen) at the Univ. Co-op shop in the Yoshida-minami Campus or the Clock-tower, and use a binding-machine there for no extra charge. Students may benefit from accessing the website offered by the Division of English Language Education (DELE), i-ARRC, Kyoto University. The website provides useful information to support students in learning and using English autonomously. JP:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english_jp EN:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english |
1T11 (科目名)
English Writing-Listening A
(英 訳)
(群) 外国語 (使用言語) 日本語 | |||||||
(旧群) C群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 演習(外国語) | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 1回生 (対象学生) 全学向 |
月3 (教室) 共北34 |
Academic writing & listening
For the development of students' skills in English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP), English Writing-Listening A (EWLA) consists of three components: writing, listening, and vocabulary.
For practice with writing, students identify, recognize, or understand basic elements of academic writing and, then, recall and apply this knowledge in the process of organizing and revising a short academic essay of at least 300 words. Under the guidance of the instructor they learn necessary foundational academic writing skills as stated in the Course Goal section below. For practice with listening, students take the online course known as GORILLA (Global Online Resources for International Language Learning Assistance) outside class. They are assessed on their listening proficiency through weekly online assignments, as well as the four tests that the instructor administers in class. For vocabulary learning, students use the standard reference book titled “Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110.” Like the listening component, students independently study words from the general academic list that the instructor assigns (usually 50 words a week) and are tested on a number of these words weekly. |
By the end of this course, students will acquire the following skills at varying levels. Students should be able to:
- Recognize and use basic academic words in English - Process general academic discourse presented aurally - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of essay introduction paragraphs (i.e., hook, topic statements, general statements and thesis statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable introduction paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of body paragraphs (i.e., topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences, concluding sentence) and apply this knowledge to write suitable body paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of conclusion paragraphs (i.e., summary of main points, final statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable conclusion paragraphs for short academic essays - Recognize basic methods of maintaining the unity (e.g., definitions) and coherence (e.g., transitional words) of ideas in short academic essays, and apply this knowledge to writing. - Recall and apply basic conventions (e.g., punctuation) when formatting short academic essays - Understand basic paraphrasing techniques (e.g., using synonyms, changing structure) to integrate information from external sources, recognize basic citation conventions, and utilize this knowledge to avoid plagiarism - Understand the writing process and utilize it for drafting and editing to produce short academic essays - Combine knowledge of (i) the structure of a short academic essay, with allowances made for rhetorical style such as problem-solution and argumentation, and (ii) the writing process, and apply this knowledge to produce a short academic essay of at least 300 words |
In-class activities are related to the contents of the textbook. Though there may be some adjustments in certain cases, the schedule of this course is as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction to Academic Writing Chapter 2 Paragraphs & Topic Sentences Chapter 3 Supporting Sentences Chapter 4 Paragraph Writing Chapter 5 Writing Process Chapter 6 Introduction Paragraph Chapter 7 Conclusion Paragraph Chapter 8 Citations & Paraphrase Chapter 9 Essay Structure Chapter 10 Essay Outline Chapter 11 Definitions, Opinions, Facts, & Format Chapter 12 Peer Review Chapter 13 Revising & Documenting Chapter 14 Proofreading & Reflecting Feedback Important: Some instructors may cover more than one chapter in one week for better learning outcomes in the whole semester. Each instructor decides whether or not the class conducts the final examination in the test week. Students should confirm the class policy from their instructors. |
1. Vocabulary assessments 10%
2. Listening assessments 30% *Students must pass at least eight out of 13 learning units (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit) of the online materials in order to receive credit for this course. The score for the listening assessments is determined by performance on four in-class assessments and the study record of the online materials (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit). 3. Writing assignments 60% *Scores for writing assignments may include in-class writing tasks and participation in class activities as well as a term paper. *Students must complete various writing assignments, including an essay of at least 300 words in order to receive credit for this course. Note that plagiarism must be avoided. |
『EGAP Writing 1: Academic Essays_2024 Edition』
(Students are requested to download the PDF file from the URL. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/287051)
Students are required to study academic vocabulary from the designated part (EGAP vocabulary) of the "Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110" outside of class, and regularly take vocabulary assessments in class.
Students are also required to study the online listening materials outside of class through the GORILLA system. The materials for this course are as follows: ・KU Academic Listening (A) Units 1-12 (required) ・TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit (required) ・KU Can-Do Self-Assessment (optional) ・Extra practice for further study (optional) Students must complete each unit by the assigned deadline. If students miss the deadline for a certain unit, the unit will not be evaluated as a passed unit. For details such as the deadlines and the in-class assessment schedule, please see the handout distributed in class and the information posted on the GORILLA system. |
Students are advised to save the textbook PDF file in their digital devices.
If they want a printed version, they can print the file on a printer at home or a nearby shop, purchase a book-binder (less than 200 yen) at the Univ. Co-op shop in the Yoshida-minami Campus or the Clock-tower, and use a binding-machine there for no extra charge. Students may benefit from accessing the website offered by the Division of English Language Education (DELE), i-ARRC, Kyoto University. The website provides useful information to support students in learning and using English autonomously. JP:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english_jp EN:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english |
(科目名) |
英語ライティング−リスニングA EW52b 1T11
(英 訳) | English Writing-Listening A | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 外国語 | ||||||
(使用言語) | 英語 | ||||||
(旧群) | C群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 演習(外国語) | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 1回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 全学向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 1共21 | ||||||
(技能領域) | Academic writing & listening | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | For the development of students' skills in English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP), English Writing-Listening A (EWLA) consists of three components: writing, listening, and vocabulary. For practice with writing, students identify, recognize, or understand basic elements of academic writing and, then, recall and apply this knowledge in the process of organizing and revising a short academic essay of at least 300 words. Under the guidance of the instructor they learn necessary foundational academic writing skills as stated in the Course Goal section below. For practice with listening, students take the online course known as GORILLA (Global Online Resources for International Language Learning Assistance) outside class. They are assessed on their listening proficiency through weekly online assignments, as well as the four tests that the instructor administers in class. For vocabulary learning, students use the standard reference book titled “Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110.” Like the listening component, students independently study words from the general academic list that the instructor assigns (usually 50 words a week) and are tested on a number of these words weekly. |
(到達目標) | By the end of this course, students will acquire the following skills at varying levels. Students should be able to: - Recognize and use basic academic words in English - Process general academic discourse presented aurally - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of essay introduction paragraphs (i.e., hook, topic statements, general statements and thesis statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable introduction paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of body paragraphs (i.e., topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences, concluding sentence) and apply this knowledge to write suitable body paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of conclusion paragraphs (i.e., summary of main points, final statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable conclusion paragraphs for short academic essays - Recognize basic methods of maintaining the unity (e.g., definitions) and coherence (e.g., transitional words) of ideas in short academic essays, and apply this knowledge to writing. - Recall and apply basic conventions (e.g., punctuation) when formatting short academic essays - Understand basic paraphrasing techniques (e.g., using synonyms, changing structure) to integrate information from external sources, recognize basic citation conventions, and utilize this knowledge to avoid plagiarism - Understand the writing process and utilize it for drafting and editing to produce short academic essays - Combine knowledge of (i) the structure of a short academic essay, with allowances made for rhetorical style such as problem-solution and argumentation, and (ii) the writing process, and apply this knowledge to produce a short academic essay of at least 300 words |
(授業計画と内容) | In-class activities are related to the contents of the textbook. Though there may be some adjustments in certain cases, the schedule of this course is as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction to Academic Writing Chapter 2 Paragraphs & Topic Sentences Chapter 3 Supporting Sentences Chapter 4 Paragraph Writing Chapter 5 Writing Process Chapter 6 Introduction Paragraph Chapter 7 Conclusion Paragraph Chapter 8 Citations & Paraphrase Chapter 9 Essay Structure Chapter 10 Essay Outline Chapter 11 Definitions, Opinions, Facts, & Format Chapter 12 Peer Review Chapter 13 Revising & Documenting Chapter 14 Proofreading & Reflecting Feedback Important: Some instructors may cover more than one chapter in one week for better learning outcomes in the whole semester. Each instructor decides whether or not the class conducts the final examination in the test week. Students should confirm the class policy from their instructors. |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 1. Vocabulary assessments 10% 2. Listening assessments 30% *Students must pass at least eight out of 13 learning units (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit) of the online materials in order to receive credit for this course. The score for the listening assessments is determined by performance on four in-class assessments and the study record of the online materials (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit). 3. Writing assignments 60% *Scores for writing assignments may include in-class writing tasks and participation in class activities as well as a term paper. *Students must complete various writing assignments, including an essay of at least 300 words in order to receive credit for this course. Note that plagiarism must be avoided. |
(教科書) |
『EGAP Writing 1: Academic Essays_2024 Edition』
(Students are requested to download the PDF file from the URL. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/287051)
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | Students are required to study academic vocabulary from the designated part (EGAP vocabulary) of the "Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110" outside of class, and regularly take vocabulary assessments in class. Students are also required to study the online listening materials outside of class through the GORILLA system. The materials for this course are as follows: ・KU Academic Listening (A) Units 1-12 (required) ・TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit (required) ・KU Can-Do Self-Assessment (optional) ・Extra practice for further study (optional) Students must complete each unit by the assigned deadline. If students miss the deadline for a certain unit, the unit will not be evaluated as a passed unit. For details such as the deadlines and the in-class assessment schedule, please see the handout distributed in class and the information posted on the GORILLA system. |
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | Students are advised to save the textbook PDF file in their digital devices. If they want a printed version, they can print the file on a printer at home or a nearby shop, purchase a book-binder (less than 200 yen) at the Univ. Co-op shop in the Yoshida-minami Campus or the Clock-tower, and use a binding-machine there for no extra charge. Students may benefit from accessing the website offered by the Division of English Language Education (DELE), i-ARRC, Kyoto University. The website provides useful information to support students in learning and using English autonomously. JP:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english_jp EN:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english |
1T11 (科目名)
English Writing-Listening A
(英 訳)
(群) 外国語 (使用言語) 英語 | |||||||
(旧群) C群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 演習(外国語) | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 1回生 (対象学生) 全学向 |
月3 (教室) 1共21 |
Academic writing & listening
For the development of students' skills in English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP), English Writing-Listening A (EWLA) consists of three components: writing, listening, and vocabulary.
For practice with writing, students identify, recognize, or understand basic elements of academic writing and, then, recall and apply this knowledge in the process of organizing and revising a short academic essay of at least 300 words. Under the guidance of the instructor they learn necessary foundational academic writing skills as stated in the Course Goal section below. For practice with listening, students take the online course known as GORILLA (Global Online Resources for International Language Learning Assistance) outside class. They are assessed on their listening proficiency through weekly online assignments, as well as the four tests that the instructor administers in class. For vocabulary learning, students use the standard reference book titled “Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110.” Like the listening component, students independently study words from the general academic list that the instructor assigns (usually 50 words a week) and are tested on a number of these words weekly. |
By the end of this course, students will acquire the following skills at varying levels. Students should be able to:
- Recognize and use basic academic words in English - Process general academic discourse presented aurally - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of essay introduction paragraphs (i.e., hook, topic statements, general statements and thesis statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable introduction paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of body paragraphs (i.e., topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences, concluding sentence) and apply this knowledge to write suitable body paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of conclusion paragraphs (i.e., summary of main points, final statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable conclusion paragraphs for short academic essays - Recognize basic methods of maintaining the unity (e.g., definitions) and coherence (e.g., transitional words) of ideas in short academic essays, and apply this knowledge to writing. - Recall and apply basic conventions (e.g., punctuation) when formatting short academic essays - Understand basic paraphrasing techniques (e.g., using synonyms, changing structure) to integrate information from external sources, recognize basic citation conventions, and utilize this knowledge to avoid plagiarism - Understand the writing process and utilize it for drafting and editing to produce short academic essays - Combine knowledge of (i) the structure of a short academic essay, with allowances made for rhetorical style such as problem-solution and argumentation, and (ii) the writing process, and apply this knowledge to produce a short academic essay of at least 300 words |
In-class activities are related to the contents of the textbook. Though there may be some adjustments in certain cases, the schedule of this course is as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction to Academic Writing Chapter 2 Paragraphs & Topic Sentences Chapter 3 Supporting Sentences Chapter 4 Paragraph Writing Chapter 5 Writing Process Chapter 6 Introduction Paragraph Chapter 7 Conclusion Paragraph Chapter 8 Citations & Paraphrase Chapter 9 Essay Structure Chapter 10 Essay Outline Chapter 11 Definitions, Opinions, Facts, & Format Chapter 12 Peer Review Chapter 13 Revising & Documenting Chapter 14 Proofreading & Reflecting Feedback Important: Some instructors may cover more than one chapter in one week for better learning outcomes in the whole semester. Each instructor decides whether or not the class conducts the final examination in the test week. Students should confirm the class policy from their instructors. |
1. Vocabulary assessments 10%
2. Listening assessments 30% *Students must pass at least eight out of 13 learning units (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit) of the online materials in order to receive credit for this course. The score for the listening assessments is determined by performance on four in-class assessments and the study record of the online materials (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit). 3. Writing assignments 60% *Scores for writing assignments may include in-class writing tasks and participation in class activities as well as a term paper. *Students must complete various writing assignments, including an essay of at least 300 words in order to receive credit for this course. Note that plagiarism must be avoided. |
『EGAP Writing 1: Academic Essays_2024 Edition』
(Students are requested to download the PDF file from the URL. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/287051)
Students are required to study academic vocabulary from the designated part (EGAP vocabulary) of the "Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110" outside of class, and regularly take vocabulary assessments in class.
Students are also required to study the online listening materials outside of class through the GORILLA system. The materials for this course are as follows: ・KU Academic Listening (A) Units 1-12 (required) ・TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit (required) ・KU Can-Do Self-Assessment (optional) ・Extra practice for further study (optional) Students must complete each unit by the assigned deadline. If students miss the deadline for a certain unit, the unit will not be evaluated as a passed unit. For details such as the deadlines and the in-class assessment schedule, please see the handout distributed in class and the information posted on the GORILLA system. |
Students are advised to save the textbook PDF file in their digital devices.
If they want a printed version, they can print the file on a printer at home or a nearby shop, purchase a book-binder (less than 200 yen) at the Univ. Co-op shop in the Yoshida-minami Campus or the Clock-tower, and use a binding-machine there for no extra charge. Students may benefit from accessing the website offered by the Division of English Language Education (DELE), i-ARRC, Kyoto University. The website provides useful information to support students in learning and using English autonomously. JP:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english_jp EN:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english |
(科目名) |
英語ライティング−リスニングA EW53a 1T12
(英 訳) | English Writing-Listening A | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 外国語 | ||||||
(使用言語) | 日本語 | ||||||
(旧群) | C群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 演習(外国語) | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 1回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 全学向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 1共26 | ||||||
(技能領域) | Academic writing & listening | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | For the development of students' skills in English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP), English Writing-Listening A (EWLA) consists of three components: writing, listening, and vocabulary. For practice with writing, students identify, recognize, or understand basic elements of academic writing and, then, recall and apply this knowledge in the process of organizing and revising a short academic essay of at least 300 words. Under the guidance of the instructor they learn necessary foundational academic writing skills as stated in the Course Goal section below. For practice with listening, students take the online course known as GORILLA (Global Online Resources for International Language Learning Assistance) outside class. They are assessed on their listening proficiency through weekly online assignments, as well as the four tests that the instructor administers in class. For vocabulary learning, students use the standard reference book titled “Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110.” Like the listening component, students independently study words from the general academic list that the instructor assigns (usually 50 words a week) and are tested on a number of these words weekly. |
(到達目標) | By the end of this course, students will acquire the following skills at varying levels. Students should be able to: - Recognize and use basic academic words in English - Process general academic discourse presented aurally - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of essay introduction paragraphs (i.e., hook, topic statements, general statements and thesis statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable introduction paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of body paragraphs (i.e., topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences, concluding sentence) and apply this knowledge to write suitable body paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of conclusion paragraphs (i.e., summary of main points, final statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable conclusion paragraphs for short academic essays - Recognize basic methods of maintaining the unity (e.g., definitions) and coherence (e.g., transitional words) of ideas in short academic essays, and apply this knowledge to writing. - Recall and apply basic conventions (e.g., punctuation) when formatting short academic essays - Understand basic paraphrasing techniques (e.g., using synonyms, changing structure) to integrate information from external sources, recognize basic citation conventions, and utilize this knowledge to avoid plagiarism - Understand the writing process and utilize it for drafting and editing to produce short academic essays - Combine knowledge of (i) the structure of a short academic essay, with allowances made for rhetorical style such as problem-solution and argumentation, and (ii) the writing process, and apply this knowledge to produce a short academic essay of at least 300 words |
(授業計画と内容) | In-class activities are related to the contents of the textbook. Though there may be some adjustments in certain cases, the schedule of this course is as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction to Academic Writing Chapter 2 Paragraphs & Topic Sentences Chapter 3 Supporting Sentences Chapter 4 Paragraph Writing Chapter 5 Writing Process Chapter 6 Introduction Paragraph Chapter 7 Conclusion Paragraph Chapter 8 Citations & Paraphrase Chapter 9 Essay Structure Chapter 10 Essay Outline Chapter 11 Definitions, Opinions, Facts, & Format Chapter 12 Peer Review Chapter 13 Revising & Documenting Chapter 14 Proofreading & Reflecting Feedback Important: Some instructors may cover more than one chapter in one week for better learning outcomes in the whole semester. Each instructor decides whether or not the class conducts the final examination in the test week. Students should confirm the class policy from their instructors. |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 1. Vocabulary assessments 10% 2. Listening assessments 30% *Students must pass at least eight out of 13 learning units (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit) of the online materials in order to receive credit for this course. The score for the listening assessments is determined by performance on four in-class assessments and the study record of the online materials (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit). 3. Writing assignments 60% *Scores for writing assignments may include in-class writing tasks and participation in class activities as well as a term paper. *Students must complete various writing assignments, including an essay of at least 300 words in order to receive credit for this course. Note that plagiarism must be avoided. |
(教科書) |
『EGAP Writing 1: Academic Essays_2024 Edition』
(Students are requested to download the PDF file from the URL. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/287051)
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | Students are required to study academic vocabulary from the designated part (EGAP vocabulary) of the "Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110" outside of class, and regularly take vocabulary assessments in class. Students are also required to study the online listening materials outside of class through the GORILLA system. The materials for this course are as follows: ・KU Academic Listening (A) Units 1-12 (required) ・TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit (required) ・KU Can-Do Self-Assessment (optional) ・Extra practice for further study (optional) Students must complete each unit by the assigned deadline. If students miss the deadline for a certain unit, the unit will not be evaluated as a passed unit. For details such as the deadlines and the in-class assessment schedule, please see the handout distributed in class and the information posted on the GORILLA system. |
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | Students are advised to save the textbook PDF file in their digital devices. If they want a printed version, they can print the file on a printer at home or a nearby shop, purchase a book-binder (less than 200 yen) at the Univ. Co-op shop in the Yoshida-minami Campus or the Clock-tower, and use a binding-machine there for no extra charge. Students may benefit from accessing the website offered by the Division of English Language Education (DELE), i-ARRC, Kyoto University. The website provides useful information to support students in learning and using English autonomously. JP:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english_jp EN:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english |
1T12 (科目名)
English Writing-Listening A
(英 訳)
(群) 外国語 (使用言語) 日本語 | |||||||
(旧群) C群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 演習(外国語) | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 1回生 (対象学生) 全学向 |
月3 (教室) 1共26 |
Academic writing & listening
For the development of students' skills in English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP), English Writing-Listening A (EWLA) consists of three components: writing, listening, and vocabulary.
For practice with writing, students identify, recognize, or understand basic elements of academic writing and, then, recall and apply this knowledge in the process of organizing and revising a short academic essay of at least 300 words. Under the guidance of the instructor they learn necessary foundational academic writing skills as stated in the Course Goal section below. For practice with listening, students take the online course known as GORILLA (Global Online Resources for International Language Learning Assistance) outside class. They are assessed on their listening proficiency through weekly online assignments, as well as the four tests that the instructor administers in class. For vocabulary learning, students use the standard reference book titled “Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110.” Like the listening component, students independently study words from the general academic list that the instructor assigns (usually 50 words a week) and are tested on a number of these words weekly. |
By the end of this course, students will acquire the following skills at varying levels. Students should be able to:
- Recognize and use basic academic words in English - Process general academic discourse presented aurally - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of essay introduction paragraphs (i.e., hook, topic statements, general statements and thesis statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable introduction paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of body paragraphs (i.e., topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences, concluding sentence) and apply this knowledge to write suitable body paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of conclusion paragraphs (i.e., summary of main points, final statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable conclusion paragraphs for short academic essays - Recognize basic methods of maintaining the unity (e.g., definitions) and coherence (e.g., transitional words) of ideas in short academic essays, and apply this knowledge to writing. - Recall and apply basic conventions (e.g., punctuation) when formatting short academic essays - Understand basic paraphrasing techniques (e.g., using synonyms, changing structure) to integrate information from external sources, recognize basic citation conventions, and utilize this knowledge to avoid plagiarism - Understand the writing process and utilize it for drafting and editing to produce short academic essays - Combine knowledge of (i) the structure of a short academic essay, with allowances made for rhetorical style such as problem-solution and argumentation, and (ii) the writing process, and apply this knowledge to produce a short academic essay of at least 300 words |
In-class activities are related to the contents of the textbook. Though there may be some adjustments in certain cases, the schedule of this course is as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction to Academic Writing Chapter 2 Paragraphs & Topic Sentences Chapter 3 Supporting Sentences Chapter 4 Paragraph Writing Chapter 5 Writing Process Chapter 6 Introduction Paragraph Chapter 7 Conclusion Paragraph Chapter 8 Citations & Paraphrase Chapter 9 Essay Structure Chapter 10 Essay Outline Chapter 11 Definitions, Opinions, Facts, & Format Chapter 12 Peer Review Chapter 13 Revising & Documenting Chapter 14 Proofreading & Reflecting Feedback Important: Some instructors may cover more than one chapter in one week for better learning outcomes in the whole semester. Each instructor decides whether or not the class conducts the final examination in the test week. Students should confirm the class policy from their instructors. |
1. Vocabulary assessments 10%
2. Listening assessments 30% *Students must pass at least eight out of 13 learning units (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit) of the online materials in order to receive credit for this course. The score for the listening assessments is determined by performance on four in-class assessments and the study record of the online materials (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit). 3. Writing assignments 60% *Scores for writing assignments may include in-class writing tasks and participation in class activities as well as a term paper. *Students must complete various writing assignments, including an essay of at least 300 words in order to receive credit for this course. Note that plagiarism must be avoided. |
『EGAP Writing 1: Academic Essays_2024 Edition』
(Students are requested to download the PDF file from the URL. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/287051)
Students are required to study academic vocabulary from the designated part (EGAP vocabulary) of the "Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110" outside of class, and regularly take vocabulary assessments in class.
Students are also required to study the online listening materials outside of class through the GORILLA system. The materials for this course are as follows: ・KU Academic Listening (A) Units 1-12 (required) ・TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit (required) ・KU Can-Do Self-Assessment (optional) ・Extra practice for further study (optional) Students must complete each unit by the assigned deadline. If students miss the deadline for a certain unit, the unit will not be evaluated as a passed unit. For details such as the deadlines and the in-class assessment schedule, please see the handout distributed in class and the information posted on the GORILLA system. |
Students are advised to save the textbook PDF file in their digital devices.
If they want a printed version, they can print the file on a printer at home or a nearby shop, purchase a book-binder (less than 200 yen) at the Univ. Co-op shop in the Yoshida-minami Campus or the Clock-tower, and use a binding-machine there for no extra charge. Students may benefit from accessing the website offered by the Division of English Language Education (DELE), i-ARRC, Kyoto University. The website provides useful information to support students in learning and using English autonomously. JP:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english_jp EN:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english |
(科目名) |
英語ライティング−リスニングA EW53b 1T12
(英 訳) | English Writing-Listening A | ||||
(担当教員) |
(群) | 外国語 | ||||||
(使用言語) | 英語 | ||||||
(旧群) | C群 | ||||||
(単位数) | 2 単位 | ||||||
(週コマ数) | 1 コマ | ||||||
(授業形態) | 演習(外国語) | ||||||
(開講年度・開講期) | 2024・前期 | ||||||
(配当学年) | 1回生 | ||||||
(対象学生) | 全学向 | ||||||
(曜時限) | 月3 |
(教室) | 教育院棟演習室21 | ||||||
(技能領域) | Academic writing & listening | ||||||
(授業の概要・目的) | For the development of students' skills in English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP), English Writing-Listening A (EWLA) consists of three components: writing, listening, and vocabulary. For practice with writing, students identify, recognize, or understand basic elements of academic writing and, then, recall and apply this knowledge in the process of organizing and revising a short academic essay of at least 300 words. Under the guidance of the instructor they learn necessary foundational academic writing skills as stated in the Course Goal section below. For practice with listening, students take the online course known as GORILLA (Global Online Resources for International Language Learning Assistance) outside class. They are assessed on their listening proficiency through weekly online assignments, as well as the four tests that the instructor administers in class. For vocabulary learning, students use the standard reference book titled “Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110.” Like the listening component, students independently study words from the general academic list that the instructor assigns (usually 50 words a week) and are tested on a number of these words weekly. |
(到達目標) | By the end of this course, students will acquire the following skills at varying levels. Students should be able to: - Recognize and use basic academic words in English - Process general academic discourse presented aurally - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of essay introduction paragraphs (i.e., hook, topic statements, general statements and thesis statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable introduction paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of body paragraphs (i.e., topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences, concluding sentence) and apply this knowledge to write suitable body paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of conclusion paragraphs (i.e., summary of main points, final statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable conclusion paragraphs for short academic essays - Recognize basic methods of maintaining the unity (e.g., definitions) and coherence (e.g., transitional words) of ideas in short academic essays, and apply this knowledge to writing. - Recall and apply basic conventions (e.g., punctuation) when formatting short academic essays - Understand basic paraphrasing techniques (e.g., using synonyms, changing structure) to integrate information from external sources, recognize basic citation conventions, and utilize this knowledge to avoid plagiarism - Understand the writing process and utilize it for drafting and editing to produce short academic essays - Combine knowledge of (i) the structure of a short academic essay, with allowances made for rhetorical style such as problem-solution and argumentation, and (ii) the writing process, and apply this knowledge to produce a short academic essay of at least 300 words |
(授業計画と内容) | In-class activities are related to the contents of the textbook. Though there may be some adjustments in certain cases, the schedule of this course is as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction to Academic Writing Chapter 2 Paragraphs & Topic Sentences Chapter 3 Supporting Sentences Chapter 4 Paragraph Writing Chapter 5 Writing Process Chapter 6 Introduction Paragraph Chapter 7 Conclusion Paragraph Chapter 8 Citations & Paraphrase Chapter 9 Essay Structure Chapter 10 Essay Outline Chapter 11 Definitions, Opinions, Facts, & Format Chapter 12 Peer Review Chapter 13 Revising & Documenting Chapter 14 Proofreading & Reflecting Feedback Important: Some instructors may cover more than one chapter in one week for better learning outcomes in the whole semester. Each instructor decides whether or not the class conducts the final examination in the test week. Students should confirm the class policy from their instructors. |
(履修要件) |
(成績評価の方法・観点及び達成度) | 1. Vocabulary assessments 10% 2. Listening assessments 30% *Students must pass at least eight out of 13 learning units (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit) of the online materials in order to receive credit for this course. The score for the listening assessments is determined by performance on four in-class assessments and the study record of the online materials (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit). 3. Writing assignments 60% *Scores for writing assignments may include in-class writing tasks and participation in class activities as well as a term paper. *Students must complete various writing assignments, including an essay of at least 300 words in order to receive credit for this course. Note that plagiarism must be avoided. |
(教科書) |
『EGAP Writing 1: Academic Essays_2024 Edition』
(Students are requested to download the PDF file from the URL. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/287051)
(参考書等) |
(授業外学習(予習・復習)等) | Students are required to study academic vocabulary from the designated part (EGAP vocabulary) of the "Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110" outside of class, and regularly take vocabulary assessments in class. Students are also required to study the online listening materials outside of class through the GORILLA system. The materials for this course are as follows: ・KU Academic Listening (A) Units 1-12 (required) ・TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit (required) ・KU Can-Do Self-Assessment (optional) ・Extra practice for further study (optional) Students must complete each unit by the assigned deadline. If students miss the deadline for a certain unit, the unit will not be evaluated as a passed unit. For details such as the deadlines and the in-class assessment schedule, please see the handout distributed in class and the information posted on the GORILLA system. |
(その他(オフィスアワー等)) | Students are advised to save the textbook PDF file in their digital devices. If they want a printed version, they can print the file on a printer at home or a nearby shop, purchase a book-binder (less than 200 yen) at the Univ. Co-op shop in the Yoshida-minami Campus or the Clock-tower, and use a binding-machine there for no extra charge. Students may benefit from accessing the website offered by the Division of English Language Education (DELE), i-ARRC, Kyoto University. The website provides useful information to support students in learning and using English autonomously. JP:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english_jp EN:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english |
1T12 (科目名)
English Writing-Listening A
(英 訳)
(群) 外国語 (使用言語) 英語 | |||||||
(旧群) C群 (単位数) 2 単位 (週コマ数) 1 コマ (授業形態) 演習(外国語) | |||||||
(開講年度・ 開講期) 2024・前期 (配当学年) 1回生 (対象学生) 全学向 |
月3 (教室) 教育院棟演習室21 |
Academic writing & listening
For the development of students' skills in English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP), English Writing-Listening A (EWLA) consists of three components: writing, listening, and vocabulary.
For practice with writing, students identify, recognize, or understand basic elements of academic writing and, then, recall and apply this knowledge in the process of organizing and revising a short academic essay of at least 300 words. Under the guidance of the instructor they learn necessary foundational academic writing skills as stated in the Course Goal section below. For practice with listening, students take the online course known as GORILLA (Global Online Resources for International Language Learning Assistance) outside class. They are assessed on their listening proficiency through weekly online assignments, as well as the four tests that the instructor administers in class. For vocabulary learning, students use the standard reference book titled “Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110.” Like the listening component, students independently study words from the general academic list that the instructor assigns (usually 50 words a week) and are tested on a number of these words weekly. |
By the end of this course, students will acquire the following skills at varying levels. Students should be able to:
- Recognize and use basic academic words in English - Process general academic discourse presented aurally - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of essay introduction paragraphs (i.e., hook, topic statements, general statements and thesis statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable introduction paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of body paragraphs (i.e., topic sentence, supporting sentences, detail sentences, concluding sentence) and apply this knowledge to write suitable body paragraphs for short academic essays - Identify the locations, functions, and features of the standard elements of conclusion paragraphs (i.e., summary of main points, final statement) and apply this knowledge to write suitable conclusion paragraphs for short academic essays - Recognize basic methods of maintaining the unity (e.g., definitions) and coherence (e.g., transitional words) of ideas in short academic essays, and apply this knowledge to writing. - Recall and apply basic conventions (e.g., punctuation) when formatting short academic essays - Understand basic paraphrasing techniques (e.g., using synonyms, changing structure) to integrate information from external sources, recognize basic citation conventions, and utilize this knowledge to avoid plagiarism - Understand the writing process and utilize it for drafting and editing to produce short academic essays - Combine knowledge of (i) the structure of a short academic essay, with allowances made for rhetorical style such as problem-solution and argumentation, and (ii) the writing process, and apply this knowledge to produce a short academic essay of at least 300 words |
In-class activities are related to the contents of the textbook. Though there may be some adjustments in certain cases, the schedule of this course is as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction to Academic Writing Chapter 2 Paragraphs & Topic Sentences Chapter 3 Supporting Sentences Chapter 4 Paragraph Writing Chapter 5 Writing Process Chapter 6 Introduction Paragraph Chapter 7 Conclusion Paragraph Chapter 8 Citations & Paraphrase Chapter 9 Essay Structure Chapter 10 Essay Outline Chapter 11 Definitions, Opinions, Facts, & Format Chapter 12 Peer Review Chapter 13 Revising & Documenting Chapter 14 Proofreading & Reflecting Feedback Important: Some instructors may cover more than one chapter in one week for better learning outcomes in the whole semester. Each instructor decides whether or not the class conducts the final examination in the test week. Students should confirm the class policy from their instructors. |
1. Vocabulary assessments 10%
2. Listening assessments 30% *Students must pass at least eight out of 13 learning units (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit) of the online materials in order to receive credit for this course. The score for the listening assessments is determined by performance on four in-class assessments and the study record of the online materials (Units 1-12 and TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit). 3. Writing assignments 60% *Scores for writing assignments may include in-class writing tasks and participation in class activities as well as a term paper. *Students must complete various writing assignments, including an essay of at least 300 words in order to receive credit for this course. Note that plagiarism must be avoided. |
『EGAP Writing 1: Academic Essays_2024 Edition』
(Students are requested to download the PDF file from the URL. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/287051)
Students are required to study academic vocabulary from the designated part (EGAP vocabulary) of the "Kyoto University Vocabulary Database 1110" outside of class, and regularly take vocabulary assessments in class.
Students are also required to study the online listening materials outside of class through the GORILLA system. The materials for this course are as follows: ・KU Academic Listening (A) Units 1-12 (required) ・TOEFL ITP Sample Test Unit (required) ・KU Can-Do Self-Assessment (optional) ・Extra practice for further study (optional) Students must complete each unit by the assigned deadline. If students miss the deadline for a certain unit, the unit will not be evaluated as a passed unit. For details such as the deadlines and the in-class assessment schedule, please see the handout distributed in class and the information posted on the GORILLA system. |
Students are advised to save the textbook PDF file in their digital devices.
If they want a printed version, they can print the file on a printer at home or a nearby shop, purchase a book-binder (less than 200 yen) at the Univ. Co-op shop in the Yoshida-minami Campus or the Clock-tower, and use a binding-machine there for no extra charge. Students may benefit from accessing the website offered by the Division of English Language Education (DELE), i-ARRC, Kyoto University. The website provides useful information to support students in learning and using English autonomously. JP:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english_jp EN:https://www.i-arrc.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english |