Other Opportunities to Study Japanese
Students who wish to study Japanese on their own or off campus, the Center offers “SAMIDORI,” an online Japanese Learning System as well as the Japanese Language Study Room.
For students who are unable to attend Japanese courses due to their schedules, or students who wish to pursue additional studies can borrow a variety of Japanese language materials (books, CDs, DVDs, etc.) from Japanese Language Resource Room. Engineering Education Research Center, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University also offers Japanese language courses in Katsura Campus.
Other opportunities for off campus Japanese language study include: private Japanese language schools, Japanese classes offered by some cities and municipal wards and Japanese classes offered by volunteer associations.
For detailed information on these resources, please refer to the following.
Opportunities Provided by the Education Center for Japanese Language and Culture
Japanese Learning System “SAMIDORI” offered by the Education Center for Japanese Language and Culture.
You can freely access Japanese e-learning system “SAMIDORI”. It is not necessary to register or obtain an ID/password in order to use this system.
Japanese Language Study Room
The Education Center for Japanese Language and Culture of the ILAS offers the "Japanese Language Study Room" twice a week, which is open to students studying by themselves. It encourages them to deepen their understanding of what they are studying in their Japanese language classes.
A Japanese Language Teaching Assistant (TA) is available to answer questions and provide support to students regarding their Japanese learning. We hope you will join us in the study room.
Timetable and Place
Please refer to the KULASIS and posters
“Japanese Language Study Room” putting on at Yoshida International House.
Japanese Language Resource Room
The Education Center for Japanese Language and Culture of the ILAS has a Japanese Language Resource Room, where you can borrow Japanese language study materials, reference materials for Japanese culture, CDs, DVDs, etc. Please use the Japanese Language Resource Room as an aid to your Japanese language study. You can borrow up to three books for two weeks.
Office Hours and Locations
Please check the flyer “Japanese Language Resource Room”.
Opportunities Provided by Other Institutions
Engineering Education Research Center, Graduate School of Engineering
Engineering Education Research Center, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University offers Japanese language courses in Katsura Campus. These courses are open to not only students but also post-graduate students, researchers, and their family members.
Engineering Education Research Center Japanese language courses
Japanese classes offered by volunteer associations
Check the websites below for information on off-campus Japanese language classes.
Kyoto Prefectural International Center
Kyoto City International Foundation