- 2021/11/01 topic "Statistical Resources-the Liberal Arts and Sciences courses offered at Kyoto University" in AY 2021 2nd semester is updated
- 2021/10/13 topic 英語学習相談のご案内(i-ARRC英語教育部門)
- 2021/10/12 topic Japanese Language Study Room
- 2021/05/13 topic "Statistical Resources-the Liberal Arts and Sciences courses offered at Kyoto University" in AY 2021 1st semester is updated
- 2021/04/21 topic Information about Japanese Language Study Room (Updated on January 2022)
- 2021/01/15 event 第27回多文化交流フォーラム「日本語学習辞書を考える-多様性に対応できる辞書の開発に向けて-」【オンライン開催】
- 2020/11/02 topic "Statistical Resources-the Liberal Arts and Sciences courses offered at Kyoto University" in AY 2020 2nd semester is uploaded
- 2020/05/28 topic "Statistical Resources-the Liberal Arts and Sciences courses offered at Kyoto University" in AY 2020 1st semester is uploaded
- 2020/05/21 topic 全学共通科目人文・社会科学科目群に関するアンケート調査の集計結果を掲載しました【学内限定】
- 2020/03/11 topic 全学共通科目履修の手引き令和2(2020)年度版を掲載しました。
- 2019/11/07 topic "Statistical Resources-the Liberal Arts and Sciences courses offered at Kyoto University" in AY 2019 2nd semester is uploaded
- 2019/05/20 topic "Statistical Resources-the Liberal Arts and Sciences courses offered at Kyoto University" in AY 2019 1st semester is uploaded
- 2019/04/05 event 全学共通科目ガイダンスを実施しました。※当日資料掲載中
- 2019/03/14 topic 全学共通科目履修の手引き2019年度版を掲載しました。
- 2018/11/06 topic "Statistical Resources-the Liberal Arts and Sciences courses offered at Kyoto University" in AY 2018 2nd semester is uploaded