Registration procedure for Japanese language courses

Please read the following content enclosed by the red border and select the course(s) you would like to take from the following list. You will be directed to a page explaining how to register for each course.

To register for both (1) and (2) Japanese language courses, the following procedure ①~③ are required respectively. All of these procedures must be done online. Procedure ① and ③ must be done through the “Japanese language course registration web page”.
※Regular (degree-seeking) international students also must apply for Japanese language courses in the Liberal Arts and Sciences curriculum through the “Japanese language course registration web page” . You cannot register for them through KULASIS.
※The time described in this website is Japan Standard Time.
※To ensure appropriate class size, an enrollment restriction will be conducted.
※The maximum number of Japanese language classes a student is eligible to take depends on his/her student status.

① Registration (STEP1) September 2 (Mon) 9:00 ~ September 6 (Fri) 17:00

  • The login IDs and passwords for “Registration STEP1” of each course are on the registration guide which you can get from KULASIS, New Student Registration Website and the Student Affairs Division of your graduate school/faculty. We cannot answer inquiries by phone about the ID and password.
  • In STEP1, enter your personal information, such as name, student status, and graduate school/faculty. (select the correct student status as specified on your student ID card.)
  • Select your level of preference and answer the questions about your Japanese language proficiency.

② Placement Test (Online) September 11 (Wed) 9:00 ~ September 13 (Fri) 17:00

  • If you wish to take Elementary II / Introduction II level or above, the courses you are eligible to take will be determined based on the result of the placement test.
  • Information on how to take the placement test will be sent by email to students who selected Elementary II / Introduction II level or above in ①STEP1. Please take the test only once during the above period according to the instructions provided.
  • Students who chose ”Kanji class only, Elementary I” or ”Introduction to Japanese I level” in STEP1 or got the exemption code need not take the placement test.
  • The score of the test will be sent by E-mail.

③ Course Registration (STEP2) October 1 (Tue) 9:00 ~ October 3 (Thu) 17:00

  • Information regarding the STEP2 will be sent by email to students who have completed ①Registration (STEP1) and ②the Placement Test(in case they wish to take Elementary II / Introduction II level or above). Select courses according to the instructions provided.
  • Your Japanese language course registration will not be finalized until you complete ③Course Registration (STEP2). Please be sure to complete this step.
  • If you choose Introduction I of Japanese language support courses in ①Regitration(STEP1), you do not need to complete Course Registration (STEP2).

For more details, refer to the Timeline of the Registration Procedure .